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The African city centre re(sourced) : African Perspectives 2009 congress

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The African city centre re(sourced) : African Perspectives 2009 congress


Africa, Afrique, centre-ville, espace urbain, forme urbaine


Abstract from the publisher :
, is it a historical core, a business district or no physical location at all? Food for a lengthy palaver.

Out of the central theme, three sub-themes were distilled to enable in-depth debate: (1) the African City Centre in contemporary global context, (2) the (historic) identity of the African City Centre and (3) the future life of the African City Centre. It is on these three sub-themes that entries were called-in.

Entries... range from art work, film, architectural projects to scientifically reviewed academic papers. These are included in the following presentation.
Papers :
Master keynote address :

Imagining Urban Futures - Heinrich Wolff
Economic heterogeneity and the return of the central city - Abdumaliq Simone

Refereed papers :

The woes of a 'straight jacketed' central business district: The case study of Odum, Kumasi - S.O. Afram and G.F.A. Olympio
Meanings and perceptions of the built environment peri-urban areas of Maputo, Mozambique - Jorgen E Andersen
The indigenous urban tissue of Addis-Ababa - A city model for the future growth of African metropolis - Jörg Baumeister and Nikolaus Knebel
Agency in an African city. The various trajectories through time and space of the public market of Kinshasha - Luce Beeckmans
Recentering the city: An anthropology of secondary cities in Africa - Filip De Boeck, Ann Cassiman and Steven van Wolputte
The urban market: Social and spatial configurations in the African city - Garret Gantner
Working on cities: an Experience from Kumasi, Ghana. A design studio for architects and urban managment students - Ellen Geurts
'Cities without slums'? Global architects of power and the African city - Branwen Gruffydd Jones
coffeemanifesto: sampling instant and slow spaces in the African city - Hannah le Roux
Planned and unplanned towns in former Portuguese colonies in sub-saharan Africa: an analysis of Silveira's Iconografia - M.C. Matos, T.B. Ramos and L.P. Costa
Narrating urban acupuncture - Bärbel Müller
Diagnoses on Cairo City, reflective analysis of Ramses square - Ayatollah Musa and Robert H.C. van Kats
UniverCity-centre: the university as an anchor and its capacity for democratizing urban space - Caroline Newton
The evolution of the Kibuga into Kampala's city centre - analysis of the transformation of an African city - Barnabas Nawangwe
A search for specificity: learning from Africa - Liz Ogbu
Ethical positions in Built Environment education - Mark R.O. Olweny and Charles L.M. Olweny
Ile-Ife: a cultural phenomenon in the throes of transformation - Cordelia O. Osasona, Lee O. Ogunshakin and David A. Jiboye
African city: towards a new paradigm - "chameleonic" urbanism for hybrid cities - DMLS Viana
Xilunguine, Lourenço Marques, Maputo – structure and agency in urban form: past, present and future - Paul Jenkins

Refereed Posters :

Learning from Earth - Caitlin Martusewicz
Garden City Settlements - Garret Gantner
Between Land and Water - Giovanni Vio
Working on Cities - Imanuel Sirron-Kakpor
Modernism vs Capitalism - Paulo Moreira  


Multiple authors


University of Pretoria  


25 - 28 September 2009



