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Living in the 21st century city : Contributions to the 13th Berlin-Amsterdam conference

Dublin Core


Living in the 21st century city : Contributions to the 13th Berlin-Amsterdam conference


, urbanité, Berlin, Amsterdam, ethnicité, ethnicity, immigration, voisinage, ségrégation sociale, ségrégation urbaine, youth, jeunes, développement urbain, centre historique, gouvernance, twenty-first century, vingt-et-unième siècle, Bontje Marco, Pethe Heike


Extract from the introduction by Marco Bontje :
After the conference, the participants have been asked to write a book contribution based on their presentations... While all contributions to this volume have been written by researchers from Amsterdam and Berlin, their contributions partly also deal with other cities : Paris, The Hague, Warsaw, and one contribution even deals with neighbourhoods in the entire German urban system. While the following collection of contributions may look rather eclectic... this section tries to put them in a coherent framework of current research and policy issues related to the broad overarching conference theme: 'living in the 21st-century city'.
Contents :
Marco Bontje - Living in the 21st century city : Introduction to the conference theme Katja Adelhof - Contribution of ethnic minorities in the creative industries in Berlin - Turkish entrepreneurs in the design and art market Amanda Brandellero - Crossing boundaries : Migrant musicians in world music production in Paris Brooke Sykes - Neighbourhoods and youth : The neighbourhood conditions of youth in the Netherlands and their association with educational achievement Christine Baar - The impact of ethnic and social segregation on school achievement in German schools and neighbourhoods Yvonne Hung - Youth participation in Berlin : Exploring the context, strategies and outcomes of four organisations Martin Sondermann - European city development in Berlin : Towards an urban renaissance of the historic city centre? Olaf Schnur - Demographic impact on urban neighbourhoods in German cities - Development scenarios and options for action Henrik Gasmus - The case of Kleinmachnow : An example of demographic re-suburbanisation in the metropolitan area of Berlin Florian Koch - A new form of urban governance? The polity, politics and policy of urban development in post-socialist Warsaw Simone Buckel - Urban governance and irregular migration - The case of The Hague Gesine Bär - Good urban governance in marginalised neighbourhoods : Analysing the effects of community health partnerships   Marco Bontje is Assistant Professor at the Amsterdam Institute for Metropolitan and International Development Studies (AMIDSt) of the University of Amsterdam. Heike Pethe is a researcher at AMIDSt.  




Amsterdam Institute for Metropolitan and International Development Studies (AMIDST), University of Amsterdam






