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The city: 2nd international conference. Interdisciplinary themes journal (Vol. 3, No. 1)

Dublin Core


The city: 2nd international conference. Interdisciplinary themes journal (Vol. 3, No. 1)


, aménagement urbain, occupation du sol, espace public, ville durable, politique urbaine, art, patrimoine urbain


Conference description:
Our theme is "The City: Culture, Society, Technology." Meet us in Vancouver on May 5 and 6, 2011. Topics include :

* the city and literature, art or culture
* social perspectives on the city
* cities and crime
* urban space & planning: history, shifts, and trends, or future directions in urban planning and space usage
* cities and leisure
* the city and the garden
* architectural perspectives on cities
* mass transit: history, shifts and trends, or future directions
* mapping cities, including the changes effected by technology
* technology and communication in cities
* virtual cities
* urban living
* the psychology of urban life
* the city and education
* other configurations welcome
Tanya Sondergaard Toft - Revitilization from the bottom-up: Cultural micro planning with new media
Elena Polyudova - New perspectives of the aesthetic experience of M-Generation students Alissa North - Landscape frameworks: Community evolution through public space Ahmad Khatoon-Abadi, Hamideh Abdali, Nader Shetab Boushehri and Kourosh Barar Pour - Factors affecting land-use change and the impacts on non-sustainability of the land: A system dynamics case study of Kalardasht-Iran Hatice Sitki - How to make and brand the city of Vancouver multi-cultural Ombeni Andrew Swai - Socio-physical and environmental evaluation of courtyard space and courtyard-lifestyle in the context of Swahili architecture and culture: Case study of Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania Naglaa Fathy El Dessouky and Mario Levesque - Stories from north to south: Why some sustainable cities initiatives gain significance and become embedded in public policy Jane Clayton - Art institutions in a city: FACT and the Liverpool community Jason Bainbridge - Building cities, building worlds: Cities in play Melissa Anne Currie - Uncovering the foundational elements of the design of small urban spaces Elitsa Stoilova - From homemade product to industrial one: Manufacturing Bulgarian sour milk Carolyn Beasley - From hansom cabs to harbour raves: A history of the city in Australian crime fiction Annika Linda Hannan - Heritage moment: Imagining Toronto's past Jean Graciela Enriquez Peñola - The images of women in three one-act plays of Steven Patrick C. Fernandez (A study on gender and culture) Monika Skorska - Arts and the city - mapping world capitals of arts Mir Saeed Moosavi - An analysis to challenges and contradictions in revitalization of historic center of cities in Iran  


Multiple authors


Interdisciplinary Themes






