Dublin Core
Opposition centre-périphérie et vote d'extrême droite en Europe.
Europe ; Extreme right ; Electoral geography ; Core-periphery.
Europe ; Extrême droite ; Géographie électorale ; Centre-périphérie.
Une étude régionale comparative montre l'existence d'une étroite relation entre le vote d'extrême droite et l'opposition entre le «centre» et la «périphérie», toujours présente mais variable selon les pays. Dans les Etats de l'Europe du Nord-Ouest (sans la RFA), l'extrême droite apparaît dans les grandes régions urbaines, confrontées à diverses crises de société (insécurité, cohabitation avec les immigrés). Ailleurs, l'extrême droite, nettement périphérique, exprime les révoltes des couches sociales et des régions marginalisées, qui cherchent dans l'instauration d'un Etat fort la solution à leurs problèmes. Presque partout, l'implantation spatiale de l'extrême droite diffère profondément de celles des autres familles politiques; cette famille politique attire les groupes sociaux qui, par leur position de classe ou par leur appartenance culturelle, ne s'identifient pas - ou plus - avec les formations politiques classiques.
Core-periphery opposition and extreme right vote in Europe.
A regional analysis shows the very strong relation between extreme right votes and core-periphery opposition in each national space, always present but very different from one country to another. In the North-West European countries (Federal Germany excluded), extreme right appears in the big cities where there are some sociologie problems (insecurity, coexistence with immigrants). Elsewhere, the extreme right is clearly peripheric and expresses the revolt of marginalized social strata and regions, which see the instauration of a strong State as the solution to their problems. Almost everywhere, there is a very important difference between the spatial distribution of the extreme right and the other political families. Extreme right attracts the social groups which, according to their class position or cultural affiliation, do not identify themselves with the classic political parties.
A regional analysis shows the very strong relation between extreme right votes and core-periphery opposition in each national space, always present but very different from one country to another. In the North-West European countries (Federal Germany excluded), extreme right appears in the big cities where there are some sociologie problems (insecurity, coexistence with immigrants). Elsewhere, the extreme right is clearly peripheric and expresses the revolt of marginalized social strata and regions, which see the instauration of a strong State as the solution to their problems. Almost everywhere, there is a very important difference between the spatial distribution of the extreme right and the other political families. Extreme right attracts the social groups which, according to their class position or cultural affiliation, do not identify themselves with the classic political parties.
Vanlaer Jean. Opposition centre-périphérie et vote d'extrême droite en Europe.. In: Espace, populations, sociétés, 1987-3. Populations et élections - Populations and elections. pp. 475-486.
Jean Vanlaer