Dublin Core
L'espace résidentiel athénien : les orphelins de l'État
Athens ; absence of State intervention ; urban renewal ; pheripheral extension ; segregation ; urban life.
ségrégation. ; extensions périphériques ; rénovation urbaine ; absence d'intervention de l'Etat ; Athènes
L'effacement progressif de l'État depuis la renaissance de la Grèce contemporaine au XIXe siècle a entraîné à Athènes le développement très efficace de procédures privées de substitution pour la production de logements : rénovation dans les quartiers centraux, habitat illégal, mais non bidonvillisé, à la périphérie. L'espace résidentiel apparaît comme le résultat de la superposition de trois trames : les grands clivages socio-économiques, la recomposition sociale et spatiale de la centralité, le maintien d'une vie de quartier active. Ces processus sont eux-mêmes inséparables de l'ambiguïté de la capitale grecque : métropole occidentale, elle peut, dans sa société comme dans son économie, révéler des réponses nouvelles à la crise actuelle.
Residential space in Athens: a city without State involvement.
The gradual decline of the role of the State since the revival of contemporary Greece during the 19th century has lead to the development of effective private substitution procedures in housing production in Athens: renewal of the inner city areas, illegal but unsquatterized settlements in the periphery.
Residential space appears as the outcome of three processes: the socio-economic disparities, the social and spatial reinforcement of the central area, the existence of lively neighbourhoods within the city. These processes must be considered with respect to the ambiguous character of the Greek capital city itself: as a western city, it can give both social and economic responses to the present crisis.
The gradual decline of the role of the State since the revival of contemporary Greece during the 19th century has lead to the development of effective private substitution procedures in housing production in Athens: renewal of the inner city areas, illegal but unsquatterized settlements in the periphery.
Residential space appears as the outcome of three processes: the socio-economic disparities, the social and spatial reinforcement of the central area, the existence of lively neighbourhoods within the city. These processes must be considered with respect to the ambiguous character of the Greek capital city itself: as a western city, it can give both social and economic responses to the present crisis.
Burgel Guy. L'espace résidentiel athénien : les orphelins de l'État. In: Espace, populations, sociétés, 1986-1. Logement et différenciations sociales dans les villes européennes - Housing and social differentiation in european cities. pp. 99-110.
Guy Burgel