Dublin Core
En aval de la séparation
Future of separated people ; Ruptures of cohabitations ; Divorces ; Children of divorced people.
Ruptures de cohabitation ; Divorces ; Devenir des séparés ; Enfants de divorcés.
Below the separation.
The multiplication of separations, as well divorces as ruptures of non-married persons' cohabitations, attach a new importance to this phenomenon and have more effects on the repartition of households patterns. Two surveys (P. Festy and M.F. Valetas, H. Leridon and C. Villeneuve- Gokalp) let us imagine the future of the divorced people and of their children. They allow longitudinal analysis. They inform on the diversity and the meaning of separations and on the ways which are offered to parents and children. They too emphasize the great stability of situations, in connection with the heavy inertia of varied constraints, independently of change in attitudes and laws.
The multiplication of separations, as well divorces as ruptures of non-married persons' cohabitations, attach a new importance to this phenomenon and have more effects on the repartition of households patterns. Two surveys (P. Festy and M.F. Valetas, H. Leridon and C. Villeneuve- Gokalp) let us imagine the future of the divorced people and of their children. They allow longitudinal analysis. They inform on the diversity and the meaning of separations and on the ways which are offered to parents and children. They too emphasize the great stability of situations, in connection with the heavy inertia of varied constraints, independently of change in attitudes and laws.
La multiplication des séparations, qu'il s'agisse de divorces ou de ruptures de cohabitation sans mariage, donne une importance nouvelle au phénomène et pèse davantage sur la distribution des types de ménages. Deux enquêtes permettent de se faire une idée du devenir des séparés et de leurs enfants : celle de P. Festy et M. F. Valetas, celle de H. Léridon et C. Villeneuve Gokalp. Elles permettent la saisie longitudinale des données. Elles éclairent sur la diversité de la signification des séparations et des itinéraires qui s'ouvrent pour les parents et les enfants. Elles montrent également une grande stabilité des situations liées, indépendamment du changement dans les attitudes et la législation à la forte inertie des contraintes diverses, matérielles et morales.
Roussel Louis. En aval de la séparation. In: Espace, populations, sociétés, 1989-3. Spécial numéro vingt - Special twentieth issue. pp. 365-376.
Louis Roussel