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La ségrégation sociale: questions de terminologie et de méthode
Social segregation ; methodology ; towns ; France
France ; villes ; méthodologie ; ségrégation sociale
Un rappel sommaire des origines du concept de ségrégation montre qu'il est délicat de l'appliquer à l'étude des formes de division sociale de l'espace dans les villes françaises contemporaines. L'article insiste sur les dangers de confusion entre plusieurs thèmes et niveaux d'analyse distincts, que la notion associe trop implicitement, et rappelle les difficultés méthodologiques de l'étude quantitative de la ségrégation sociale. Mais il souligne par ailleurs que la notion, entre autres mérites, attire l'attention sur la composante culturelle des clivages de l'espace social et sur les effets de rétroaction que les formes spatiales exercent sur les mentalités et les comportements.
Social segregation: questions of terminology and methodology.
A brief summary of the origins of the concept of segregation reveals how delicate it is to apply this notion to the study of the forms of social divisions of space in contemporary French towns. The article emphasizes the dangers of confusion among several distinct subjects and different levels of analysis which are implicitly linked together by the notion of segregation. The article also mentions the methodological difficulties of quantitative study of social segregation. Nevertheless, the article points out that the notion of social segregation does have certain merits, including its stress on the importance of the cultural dimension of the cleavages of social space and of the retroactive effects that spatial forms exert on mentalities and behaviour.
A brief summary of the origins of the concept of segregation reveals how delicate it is to apply this notion to the study of the forms of social divisions of space in contemporary French towns. The article emphasizes the dangers of confusion among several distinct subjects and different levels of analysis which are implicitly linked together by the notion of segregation. The article also mentions the methodological difficulties of quantitative study of social segregation. Nevertheless, the article points out that the notion of social segregation does have certain merits, including its stress on the importance of the cultural dimension of the cleavages of social space and of the retroactive effects that spatial forms exert on mentalities and behaviour.
Brun Jacques, Chauviré Yvan. La ségrégation sociale: questions de terminologie et de méthode. In: Espace, populations, sociétés, 1983-1. Objectifs et champs d'étude. pp. 75-85.
Yvan Chauvire
Jacques Brun