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Changements socio-démographiques dans la frange périurbaine de Madrid.
périurbanisation ; Madrid ; demographic evolution ; spatial segregation.
Madrid ; périurbanisation ; évolution démographique ; ségrégations spatiales.
La ville de Madrid a connu un développement spectaculaire au cours de ce siècle, surtout entre 1940 et 1975. Ce développement a créé une frange périurbaine interne, où presque tout le sol est urbanisé, plus a l'extérieur, une zone de résidences non rurales et de navettes quotidiennes et, plus loin encore, une frange de résidences secondaires. Quasi tout le territoire de la Communauté de Madrid est aujourd' foui inclus dans la zone périurbaine, à l'un ou l'autre titre, alors qu'en 1975 certaines parties de cette Communauté connaissaient encore un dépeuplement par exode rural. La croissance de la population des franges périur- baines est de plus en plus essentiellement due à la seule déconcentration madrilène. La population active de la Communauté s'est fortement tertiarisée au cours de la dernière décennie, y compris dans les municipalités périurbaines traditionnellement industrielles.
Socio-demographic shifts inside Madrid peri-urban fringe.
In this century, Madrid city has seen a tremendous development, especially from 1940 to 1975. This development has provoked the forming of an internal peri- urban fringe, where nearly all the land is urbanised, more towards the periphery, an area of non-rural residences and daily commuting and still further on a fringe of secondary residences. Nearly all the territory of the Madrid Community is today enclosed inside the peri-urban area, by one or another right, while in 1975 some parts of this Community were still faced with a depopulation caused by a rural exodus.
The population growth of the peri-urban fringe is more and more mainly due to the sole deconcentration of Madrid. The active population of the Community has moved towards the tertiary sector during the last decade, including in the traditionally industrial peri-urban municipalities.
In this century, Madrid city has seen a tremendous development, especially from 1940 to 1975. This development has provoked the forming of an internal peri- urban fringe, where nearly all the land is urbanised, more towards the periphery, an area of non-rural residences and daily commuting and still further on a fringe of secondary residences. Nearly all the territory of the Madrid Community is today enclosed inside the peri-urban area, by one or another right, while in 1975 some parts of this Community were still faced with a depopulation caused by a rural exodus.
The population growth of the peri-urban fringe is more and more mainly due to the sole deconcentration of Madrid. The active population of the Community has moved towards the tertiary sector during the last decade, including in the traditionally industrial peri-urban municipalities.
Garcia Ballesteros Aurora, Del Pozo Rivera E. Changements socio-démographiques dans la frange périurbaine de Madrid.. In: Espace, populations, sociétés, 1991-2. Les franges périurbaines Peri-urban fringes. pp. 309-323.
Enrique Pozo Rivera
Aurora Garcia Ballesteros