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Les quartiers d'immigration : « ports de première entrée» ou espaces de sédentarisation ? L'exemple de Belleville
Space appropriation ; Local study (Belleville). ; Immigration
Immigration ; Quartier de Belleville. ; Appropriation de l'Espace
Immigration areas: areas of arrival or areas of settlement? the case of Belleville.
Immigrant community structures have been mainly associated with the early phase of immigrant settlement. According to this model, such structures disappear in the course of the «acculturation» process. In this article, we argue that these structures exist during a different phase in immigrant settlement and that they are a response to needs that extend beyond the phase of pure «adaptation» to the host society. We attempt to support this argument through the analysis of residential stability of foreign immigrants, used as an indicator of a settling process.
Immigrant community structures have been mainly associated with the early phase of immigrant settlement. According to this model, such structures disappear in the course of the «acculturation» process. In this article, we argue that these structures exist during a different phase in immigrant settlement and that they are a response to needs that extend beyond the phase of pure «adaptation» to the host society. We attempt to support this argument through the analysis of residential stability of foreign immigrants, used as an indicator of a settling process.
On rattache généralement le développement de structures communautaires issues de l'immigration à la phase d'installation des courants migratoires. Dans cette optique, elles sont appelées à disparaître au cours du processus d'acculturation. La thèse de l'article est que ces structures se situent à une autre phase de l'installation des immigrés et qu'elles répondent à des besoins à plus long terme que la seule adaptation à la société d'accueil. Cette dimension est mise en évidence à partir de la sédentarisation des étrangers, conçue comme l'indication d'un enracinement.
Simon Patrick. Les quartiers d'immigration : « ports de première entrée» ou espaces de sédentarisation ? L'exemple de Belleville. In: Espace, populations, sociétés, 1993-2. La population française dans son espace - The French population within its own space. pp. 379-387.
Patrick Simon