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Les Turcs à Cheratte : concentration spatiale et stratégies d'insertion dans un faubourg industriel liégeois.
Turks ; Liège ; Belgium ; Integration ; Concentration
Concentration ; Turcs ; Insertion ; Belgique ; Liège
Turcs in Cheratte: Spatial Concetration and Social Integration Strategies in an Industrial Suburb of Liège (Belgium).
This article evaluates the level of socio-economic integration of the Turkish population living in a mining-village close to the city of Liège (Belgium). It makes use of the results from the most recent population census as well as specific surveys. It is found that, contrary to accepted ideas that see the Turkish community as being hermetically sealed against integration, such a process is actually in operation amongts the Turks of Cheratte. The variables considered include demographic structure and evolution, employment and unemployment, household income and expenditure, education and knowledge of French, residential mobility, housing conditions, and psycho-social indicators. The evolution of these variables shows the willingness of the respondents to accommodate themselves to the socio-cultural norms of the host society. However, the principal limits to the integration model for this population relate to unemployment and household debt.
This article evaluates the level of socio-economic integration of the Turkish population living in a mining-village close to the city of Liège (Belgium). It makes use of the results from the most recent population census as well as specific surveys. It is found that, contrary to accepted ideas that see the Turkish community as being hermetically sealed against integration, such a process is actually in operation amongts the Turks of Cheratte. The variables considered include demographic structure and evolution, employment and unemployment, household income and expenditure, education and knowledge of French, residential mobility, housing conditions, and psycho-social indicators. The evolution of these variables shows the willingness of the respondents to accommodate themselves to the socio-cultural norms of the host society. However, the principal limits to the integration model for this population relate to unemployment and household debt.
Cet article évalue le niveau d'insertion socio-économique de la population turque d'une cité minière de la ville de Visé (Belgique) au moyen des données des derniers recensements de population et d'enquêtes spécifiques. On constate que, contrairement à certaines idées reçues qui font de la communauté turque un milieu «hermétique à l'intégration», ce processus semble enclenché parmi les Turcs de Cheratte. Les variables étudiées sont la structure et l'évolution démographique, l'emploi et le chômage, le revenu et la consommation des ménages, la scolarité et la maîtrise du français, la mobilité résidentielle, les conditions de logement et l'ancrage psycho-social. L'évolution de ces indicateurs témoigne d'une volonté de cohésion avec l'ambiance socio-culturelle de la société d'accueil. Toutefois, les principales limites du modèle d'intégration de cette population sont le chômage et l'endettement des ménages.
Manço Altay A. Les Turcs à Cheratte : concentration spatiale et stratégies d'insertion dans un faubourg industriel liégeois.. In: Espace, populations, sociétés, 1995-3. Les marginalités urbaines. pp. 369-380.
Altay A. Manço