Dublin Core
Les nouvelles dynamiques de peuplement dans les zones frontalières en Wallonie
Walloonia ; Borders ; Migrations ; Migrants ; Périurbanisation
Migrations ; Frontières ; Migrants ; Périurbanisation ; Wallonie
The Recent Dynamics of Settlement in the Border Regions of Walloonia.
For some years, certain localities have stopped losing their inhabitants and present, on the contrary, a spectacular population growth. This change is due to a strong migratory attraction, which takes place in a double context, both national and international. At the country level, the recent immigration toward these regions lies within the process of periurbanisation: people and families migrate to parkland, sometimes distant from their work place. At the international level, the origin is the free circulation of the goods that has transformed border spaces into transborder regions. This paper studies, on the long trend and in a comparative approach, the demographic dynamics of municipalities located along the border with Germany and the Grand-Duchy of Luxemburg. Thanks to the linkage between the individual data of the national register and the 1991 population census, we analyse the demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the populations who set up in these border regions between 1993 and 1998.
For some years, certain localities have stopped losing their inhabitants and present, on the contrary, a spectacular population growth. This change is due to a strong migratory attraction, which takes place in a double context, both national and international. At the country level, the recent immigration toward these regions lies within the process of periurbanisation: people and families migrate to parkland, sometimes distant from their work place. At the international level, the origin is the free circulation of the goods that has transformed border spaces into transborder regions. This paper studies, on the long trend and in a comparative approach, the demographic dynamics of municipalities located along the border with Germany and the Grand-Duchy of Luxemburg. Thanks to the linkage between the individual data of the national register and the 1991 population census, we analyse the demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the populations who set up in these border regions between 1993 and 1998.
Depuis quelques années, certaines communes frontalières ne se dépeuplent plus et connaissent un accroissement spectaculaire de la population. Il est dû à une forte attractivité migratoire qui s'inscrit dans un double contexte, national et international. Au niveau du pays, le récent attrait pour ces régions s'inscrit dans le processus de la périurbanisation : les individus et les ménages migrent vers des espaces verts, parfois éloignés des pôles d'emploi. À l'échelon international, la cause est la libération de la circulation des biens et des marchandises qui a transformé les espaces frontaliers en espaces transfrontaliers. Cet article étudie, sur la longue tendance et dans une logique comparative, la dynamique démographique de communes situées le long des frontières avec l'Allemagne et le Grand-Duché de Luxembourg. Grâce au couplage de données individuelles du Registre national et du recensement de la population de 1991, nous analysons les caractéristiques démographiques et socio-économiques des populations qui se sont installées, entre 1993 et 1998, dans ces espaces frontaliers.
Capron Catherine, Eggerickx Thierry, Hermia Jean-Pierre. Les nouvelles dynamiques de peuplement dans les zones frontalières en Wallonie. In: Espace, populations, sociétés, 2002-1-2. Géographie et population. pp. 83-98.
Jean-Pierre Hermia
Thierry Eggerickx
Catherine Capron