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Locating migration : Rescaling cities and migrants

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Locating migration : Rescaling cities and migrants


, migration urbaine, migrant, néolibéralisme, world city, ville mondiale, mondialisation, urbanité, insertion, intégration, rénovation urbaine, Caglar Ayse, Glick Schiller Nina


Abstract from the publisher :
In this book Nina Glick Schiller and Ayse Çaglar, along with a stellar group of contributing authors, examine the relationship between migrants and cities in a time of massive urban restructuring. They find that locality matters in migration research and migrants matter in the reconfiguration of contemporary cities. This book provides a new approach to the study of migrant settlement and transnational connection in which cities rather than nation-states, ethnic groups, or transnational communities serve as the starting point for comparative analysis. Neither negating nor privileging the nation-state, Locating Migration provides ethnographic insights into the various ways in which migrants and specific cities together mutually constitute and contest the local, national, and global. Cities are approached not as containers but as fluid and historically differentiated analytical entry points. Chapters explore migrants' relationship to the neoliberal rebranding, redevelopment, and rescaling of down-and-out, aspiring, and global cities in the United States and Europe.

The various chapters document the pathways of incorporation and transnational connection of migrants from Asia, Africa, Latin America, and Europe. Migrants are approached not as a homogenous category but in terms of their range of experiences of class, racialization, gender, history, politics, and religion.

Setting aside the migrant/native divide that haunts most migration studies, the authors of this book view migrants as residents of cities and actors within them, understanding that to be a resident of a city is to live within, contribute to, and contest globe-spanning processes that shape urban economy, politics, and culture.
Contents :
Introduction : migrants and cities - Ayşe Çağlar and Nina Glick Schiller
The urban question and the scale question : some conceptual clarification - Neil Brenne
The socioterritoriality of cities : a framework for understanding the incorporation of migrants in urban labor markets - Michael Samers
Locality and globality : building a comparative analytical framework in migration and urban studies - Nina Glick Schiller and Ayşe Çağlar
Scalar positioning and immigrant organizations : Asian Indians and the dynamics of place - Caroline B. Brettell
Cities and the social construction of hot spots : rescaling, Ghanaian migrants, and the fragmentation of urban spaces - Rijk van Dijk
Transnational migration and rescaling processes : the incorporation of migrant labor - Ruba Salih and Bruno Riccio
The campaign for new immigrants in urban regeneration : imagining possibilities and confronting realities - Judith Goode
Rescaling processes in two "global" cities : festive events as pathways of migrant incorporation - Monika Salzbrunn
Downscaled cities and migrant pathways : locality and agency without an ethnic lens - Nina Glick Schiller and Ayşe Çağlar
Remaking locality : uneven globalization and transmigrants' unequal incorporation - Bela Feldman-Bianco
Afterword : an ethnographic view of size, scale, and locality - Gunther Schlee
  Nina Glick Schiller is the Director of the Cosmopolitan Cultures Institute and Professor of Social Anthropology at the University of Manchester.   Ayse Caglar is University Professor in the Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology at the Central European University.  




Cornell University Press


December 2010



