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Urban encounters : Rethinking landscape

Dublin Core


Urban encounters : Rethinking landscape


, photographie, représentations, espace urbain, paysage urbain, migration urbaine, mixité sociale, identité, urbanité


Organisers' description :
Urban Encounters: Routes and Transitions explores the dialogue and practice of visual urbanism to bring together international researchers, academics, photographers and artists concerned with the transitional nature of contemporary urban space. This third annual conference addresses how photographic practices and archives intersect with an understanding of local and global routes as ‘places’, considering the temporality of place and the cross-cultural juxtaposition of locales.
Panels :
Keynote speaker : Markéta Luskačová
Panel 1 - Mapping Landscapes Discussant : Paul Goodwin Paul Halliday - Geographies of Nowhere Susan Trangmar - A play in time Caroline Knowles - Urban landscapes of migration Panel 2 - Human landscapes Discussant : Peter Coles Davide Deriu - Picturing a city's soul : Photographs and memories in Orhan Pamuk's Istanbul Susan Schwartzenberg - Space, place and existence Gabrielle Bendiner-Viani - Guided tours : The layered dynamics of self, place and image in two American neighbourhoods Panel 3 - Changing landscapes Discussant : Alison Rooke Janet Delaney - Form follows finance : The south of market project Tiffany Fairey - New Londoners : Separated young refugees frame their views on London Les Back - London's finished? Developing an inventory of multicultural life  


Multiple authors


23 May 2009

