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Shrinking cities : New thinking about urban development

Dublin Core


Shrinking cities : New thinking about urban development


, développement urbain, décroissance, politique urbaine, occupation du sol, espace urbain, forme urbaine, Germany, Allemagne, Kabisch Sigrun


Abstract from the distributor :
In the 21st century, urban development is facing new challenges caused by the parallel occurrence of both growing and shrinking cities. The development patterns and instruments of urban growth are well-known. However, the processes of shrinkage and its broad societal consequences, which affect an increasing number of cities, need intensive investigation.

Using the example of German urban development, Dr. Sigrun Kabisch describes the causes and consequences of urban shrinkage. The discussion of the “Urban restructuring program” as the political answer to urban shrinkage draws attention to the complex linkages in urban development. In particular, housing demolition as one reaction to shrinkage can bring about new urban land use patterns including more green and open spaces on the one hand, but also psychological stress situations for the affected inhabitants on the other.

Based on this finding, Dr. Kabisch argues, we need new thinking about urban development. A comprehensive approach with context sensitivity is necessary to discover and use the opportunities of urban shrinkage. In this vein, accepting shrinkage as an urban pathway can help to develop the affected cities in a more sustainable way.
Sigrun Kabisch is Professor and head of the Department of Urban Environmental Sociology at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research in Leipzig, Germany.


Sigrun Kabisch


25 April 2011

