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The Daily Duration of Transportation: An Econometric and Sociological Approach

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The Daily Duration of Transportation: An Econometric and Sociological Approach


[SHS:ECO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Economy and finances
Travel-time budgets
duration model
in-depth interview
perceptions of travel time
societal influences


This paper combines both quantitative and qualitative methods to provide supplemental information and results that clarify the reasons that individuals devote ample time to travel.<br />Through a quantitative analysis of travel-time budgets (TTB) in seven cities (Zurich, Bern, Geneva, Rennes, Lyon, Strasbourg, and Grenoble), the research initially establishes the relationship between the amount of daily travel time allocated and socio-demographic characteristics of individuals and households. The application of a duration model method additionally highlights the influence of diverse types of activities at the destination on TTB. Our analysis confirms that the overall TTB of individuals has increased over roughly the past ten years, with Swiss cities possessing higher travel times than French ones. In many cities, around 20% of our samples also devote excessive amounts of time to travel. The duration model therefore indicates an atypical individual behavior not explained by the covariates of the model. Conversely, other dimensions could certainly explain the choices or obligations that influence these high TTB.<br /> Accordingly, in-depth interviews are given to individuals that travel during the week for longer than 2 hours a day. Their profiles provide several explanations to the reasons behind their choice (or obligation) to spend major amounts of time in daily travel. Consequently, the allocation of travel time of a person is not solely determined by the activities at a destination, but also by individual aspects. Additionally, travel time is perceived as time when other activities can be performed simultaneously (ex. working on the train, listening to music, etc.).


Littlejohn, Karl
Joly, Iragaël


7th Swiss Transport Research Conference






conference, seminar, workshop communication



Monte Verita / Ascona