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L’échéance des Jeux Olympiques de 2016 et les stratégies de restructuration du transport métropolitain de Rio de Janeiro.

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L’échéance des Jeux Olympiques de 2016 et les stratégies de restructuration du transport métropolitain de Rio de Janeiro.


Olympic Games 2016
public transport
Rio de Janeiro
Jeux Olympiques 2016
transports publics
Jogos Olímpicos de 2016
transportes públicos


La question des transports a joué un rôle décisif dans la candidature de Rio aux Jeux Olympiques de 2016. Pour remporter d’adhésion du CIO, les autorités locales ont fait la promesse d’une restructuration radicale de l’offre. L’ambitieux plan à réaliser s’appuie sur les divers projets laissés jusque-là sans suite. Faute de financements ? En partie seulement. La raison plus profonde est à chercher dans l’incapacité structurelle des politiques à modifier le cadre d’exercice du service public des transports, laissé au puissant cartel des sociétés d’autobus. L’organisation actuelle répond de plus en plus mal aux besoins de mobilité d’une métropole de plus de 11 millions d’habitants et contribue à approfondir les déséquilibres sociaux et spatiaux que l’offre de transport informel suscitée par la carence du système contribue encore à le fragiliser. La situation de Rio est d’autant plus paradoxale que la seconde ville du pays est restée à l’écart des innovations retenues par l’emblématique ville de Curitiba, dont les solutions de Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) ont été adoptées dans la plupart des métropoles du pays. Pour Rio, l’échéance des Olympiades est donc un défi de taille. Présentés comme des investissements d’infrastructure, les projets de BRT doivent relier entre eux les sites olympiques et au-delà assurer l’émergence de pôles d’échange structurants à l’échelle métropolitaine. La question est alors de savoir si les aménagements planifiés vont parvenir à agir comme un levier pour restructurer en profondeur de l’offre. Un pari encore incertain dont l’enjeu est la redéfinition des rapports de pouvoir entre les sociétés de transport privées et les autorités publiques.
Reorganizing public transport in the metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro ahead of the Summer Olympic Games 2016.Public transportation played a decisive role in Rio de Janeiro’s bid to host the Summer Olympic Games 2016. To convince the CIO, the local authorities have promised a radical overhaul if the current transport infrastructure. The ambitious plan will rely on various unfinished projects, which were abandoned to a certain extent due to financing problems. But the primary reason for these unfinished projects is to be found in politicians’ inability to effect changes to the management of public transport, which is then left in the hands of the powerful bus company cartels. The currently infrastructure is gradually less capable of responding to the needs of a metropolis of more than 11 million inhabitants and this contributes to widen the social and geographical imbalances of the city, which then further impacts the current infrastructure making even more fragile.  This paradox is even greater when one thinks that Curitiba in the southern part of the country is known as an example of innovation in bus transportation with its famous BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) system that inspired so many cities worldwide and has been adopted by almost all other large Brazilian urban centres. For Rio, the preparation for the Olympic Games 2016 is a big task. Presented as infrastructure investments, the BRT projects will need to connect the sites of the Olympic games as well as promote the emergence of new exchange hubs structuring the future of the city. The big question now is whether the current plans will deliver the required changes to the current infrastructure. This is an uncertain bet, whose result will depend on the redefinition of the power struggle between private transport companies and the public authorities
A reorganização do sistema de transportes foi um dos aspectos decisivos no projeto de candidatura apresentado pela cidade do Rio de Janeiro para acolher os Jogos Olímpicos em 2016. Para convencer o CIO foram prometidas mudanças radicais e o projeto apresentado retoma alguns projetos antigos que não chegaram a ser realizados. Isso não apenas por razões financeiras, mas sem dúvida também pela dificuldade estrutural dos políticos a intervir no funcionamento do serviço público de transporte, dominado por um cartel de empresas de ônibus. A organização atual responde cada vez menos às necessidades de uma metrópole de 11 milhões de habitantes e reforça desequilíbrios sociais e espaciais. A oferta de transporte informal que se desenvolve a partir das carências do sistema de transporte público fragiliza este mais ainda. Essa situação contrasta com o exemplo de Curitiba cujo BRT foi implantado em várias outras cidades brasileiras. Será que o planejamento previsto poderá impulsionar a reestruturação do sistema ? Trata-se de uma aposta cujos prognósticos ainda são desconhecidos : tudo será definido em torno das relações entre empresas de transporte privadas e o poder público.


Beyer, Antoine






