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  • Mots-clés: New York
Présentation par l'éditeur : Dans The Disappearing City, publié en 1932, Wright expose pour la première fois les grandes lignes de son fameux projet de ville de l’avenir. Dans les premiers chapitres, il…
Présentation par l'éditeur : De nos jours, New York est l'une des villes les plus importantes au monde d'un point de vue économique, politique et culturel. Si la statue de la Liberté et la ligne des gratte-ciel sont des…

Abstract from the distributor: Jane Jacobs’s death in 2006 triggered many conversations around town about her legacy to New York. In particular, people have been mulling the question of whose urban vision – hers, or that of her arch…

Abstract from the distributor : Jane Jacobs’ ideas redefined urban planning and her hometowns of New York and Toronto are among many cities that continue to feel the impact of her writings. This panel discussion explores the importance,…
Abstract from the publisher: Integrated City Making is a report by Philipp Rode, Julie Wagner, Richard Brown, Rit Chandra and Jayaraj Sundaresan of the Urban Age Programme at the London School of Economics and Political Science. In 2007, Urban Age…

Sommaire du dossier : • Marcher avec eux, un instant, dans la ville - Nathalie Cochoy • Instants de ville - Jean-Luc Nancy • Duke Ellington Boulevard - Antonio Munoz Molina • “We have botched them and patched them”:…
From the preface : Most books about twentieth-century Greenwich Village history focus on the artists, writers, and cultural radicals whose activities brought the Village international fame as America's bohemia. Other residents of the Village, if…
See also the Collections Portal of the Museum of the City of New York, where more than 1400 photographs taken by Riis are available to view online. See also a LibriVox audio recording of the book. Alternative link to a different full-text version…
Présentation par l'éditeur : Helen Levitt (1913-2009) est connue pour ses photographies de rue réalisées à New York, essentiellement dans les années 1930-1940. Conçu à l'époque avec…

Abstract from the distributor : We are in the middle of one of Gotham's greatest immigration waves, triggered by the 1965 immigration law. Our distinguished panelists will analyze how the newcomers have experienced, and transformed, the…

L’auteur a mené des enquêtes de terrain dans des quartiers populaires de villes-mondes, Paris et New York, dans le sillage de l’ethnographe américaine Sally Merry, afin de saisir les enjeux liés à la coproduction de la sécurité, lors de programmes de…

Présentation par le diffuseur : Le docteur Robert Fullilove, professeur à l’université de Columbia aux USA et expert des questions de santé publique et d’aide sociale aux minorités, ancien compagnon de…

New York is a city of highs and lows, where wealthy elites share the streets with desperate immigrants and destitute locals. Bridging this economic divide is New York’s underground economy, the invisible network of illicit transactions between rich…

Abstract from the distributor : Dean Ellen Schall of NYU’s Robert F. Wagner School of Public Service and Provost Dianne Rekow of NYU’s Polytechnic Institute invite you a book party for author Jonathan Soffer discussing his new book, Ed…
Abstract from the publisher : In 1978, Ed Koch assumed control of a city plagued by filth, crime, bankruptcy, and racial tensions. By the end of his mayoral run in 1989 and despite the Wall Street crash of 1987, his administration had begun…
Abstract from the distributor :

This lecture places the attack on the World Trade Center in the context of New York's history as a place that is seemingly destined to be destroyed and rebuilt with stunning regularity. It explores three ways of…

Abstract from the publishers : City Sites is an inter- and multi-disciplinary study of the iconography, spatial forms and visual and literary cultures of New York and Chicago in the period 1870s to 1930s. City Sites is the result of collaborative…
Abstract from the publisher : Huge social transformations and turbulent political events - 9/11 and the political murders of Pim Fortuyn and Theo van Gogh - have put urban issues high on the political agenda of the Netherlands. Against this…
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