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  • Collection: Multimédia

Abstract from the distributor: City planning initiatives and redesign of urban structures often become mired in debate and delay. Despite the fact that cities are considered to be dynamic, innovative and flexible spaces, never finished but always…

Présentation par le diffuseur : En quoi "Metropolis" fixe-t-il le cadre de nombreux autres films d'anticipation ? Quelles en sont les principales caractéristiques et comment s'en démarquer ? Une visite de plusieurs…

Organisers' description: How are new digital media changing how we build and maintain the social connections that make urban environments vibrant? This panel brings together experts from humanities, social science, and technology to focus on…

Organisers' description: What does it mean to envision a healthy city - one that nurtures both people and the environment? Environmental Urbanism acknowledges and embraces the relationships between people and their material surroundings. This…

Abstract from the distributor: By 2030 nearly 2 billion people will live in informal urban settlements or slums. Although living in abject poverty, slum communities are resilient and create new forms of urbanism. This panel will discuss current work…

Abstract from the distributor: The 21st century city is inevitably global and local, dislodging boundaries between nation states as well as public and private realms. This panel investigates the impact of these transformations on cities at both the…

Abstract from the distributor: Placing the arts at the heart of the civic realm is essential to a rich and vibrant city. With rapid urbanization, the arts and humanities serve as indicators of the health and vigor of urban communities and civic…

Abstract from the distributor: Urban environments worldwide are in the midst of multiple shifts, driven by interconnected flows in capital, people, and resources at local, regional and global scales. It impacts not only cities but also the network…

Abstract from the distributor: Inequality is intensifying in American cities with profound consequences for people’s well being and for broader society. This panel aims to make sense of where urban inequalities emerge, how they are…

Présentation par le diffuseur : Droit fondamental et universel, le droit au logement est reconnu dans de nombreux textes nationaux et internationaux. Pourtant, les problèmes d'accès au logement et plus généralement…

Abstract from the distributor: Cities are the engines of metropolitan growth in the U.S. economy today. But key economic, demographics and environmental challenges threaten this role. Home to enormous economic disparities, struggling schools,…

Toby Lincoln discusses the themes of his forthcoming book, which focuses on urbanization in China, with an emphasis on the city of Wuxi in the first half of the twentieth century. Toby Lincoln is a Lecturer in Chinese Urban History in the School of…

Description of the cities seminar series by the distributor: The Cities Seminar meets monthly during the academic year, and features a combination of guest speakers and focused group readings and discussions on a rich variety of urban topics. The…

Abstract of the cities seminar series from the distributor: The Cities Seminar meets monthly during the academic year, and features a combination of guest speakers and focused group readings and discussions on a rich variety of urban topics. The…

Abstract from the organisers (source): A series of research seminars exploring the flâneur – meaning anidler or loafer – will be launched this week by the School of Modern Languages,Literatures and Cultures at Royal Holloway,…

Abstract from the distributor (see conference website for full details): Urban environments worldwide are in the midst of multiple shifts, driven by interconnected flows in capital, people, and resources at local, regional and global scales. It…

Présentation par le diffuseur : Cette conférence a été donnée dans le cadre du séminaire pluridisciplinaire "Villes" de la MRSH. Marc Hatzfeld est un Sociologue indépendant. Travaillant…

"This paper aims to present a summary of elements both of my own PhD research and also some current related ongoing work both within the UK and on the Continent which attempts... to use new or digital approaches to the "spatial turn"…

Abstract from the distributor: In this talk, 2011-2012 GCI Faculty Scholar De Jong will discuss the research and writing she is undertaking during her fellowship year at the Institute. Her project investigates how American cultural attitudes about…

Abstract from the distributor: The Transforming Auckland: Innovations for Sustainable Cities Thematic Research Initiative (TRI) hosted a very successful Research Symposium. Over two days international and local researchers examined some of the major…
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