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  • Collection: Autres serveurs

This work offers a new perspective on the standard interpretation of suburbanization in the United States and provides a historical model within the literature of New Urbanism. The work investigates aspects of both the community and commodity of the…

This thesis examines the urban topography of Berlin’s working-class districts, as seen in the art, architecture and other images produced in the city between 1924 and 1930. During the 1920s, Berlin flourished as centre of modern culture. Yet this…

This thesis explores urban poverty and the adaptations of the urban poor in the slums of the megacity of Dhaka, Bangladesh. It seeks to make a contribution to understanding and analysis of the phenomenon of rapid mass urbanisation in the Third World…

Les grandes villes tunisiennes et particulièrement les villes littorales ont connu, pendant la deuxième moitié du XXe siècle, un étalement urbain à la fois accéléré et de plus en plus dispersé, aux dépens de leur enveloppe agricole. C’est le cas…

This dissertation investigates the history and political economy of two Chinese cities, Shanghai and Hong Kong, in the context of debates about globalization and ‘global cities.’ My inquiry focuses on the interwoven relationships between…

Cette thèse traite du développement du tourisme urbain dans la communauté huronne de Wendake, située en périphérie de la ville de Québec. Le thème du tourisme autochtone urbain est abordé à partir d'une approche interdisciplinaire et en utilisant les…

This study of aspects of the urban geography of Makkah and Al-Madinah is the first effort to trace growth and development of the two cities. The recent rapid growth has been made possible by the great wealth generated from oil in the Eastern Province…

The urban phenomenon is changing. The social and political transformations of recent decades have created new forms and models of inhabiting in the city. In Latin America, phenomena of globalization and the implementation of liberal policies have, on…

Pinter's dramas have been labelled as 'absurd', 'mysterious', 'enigmatic', 'taciturn'. There has been a constant tendency to reduce the idea of the 'Pinteresque' to language when Pinter is preoccupied with the tensions between reality and the world…

By the beginning of the sixteenth Venice was an established maritime empire having achieved, not only the methodical restraint of the Ottomans' expansive aspirations towards European lands, but also solid control over the Adriatic and Mediterranean…

Cette thèse pose comme problématique l'effet culturelle de l'homogénéisation dans le niveau international (la France et la Japon) des systèmes techniques. J'approche cette question par l'observation des rapports entre les techniques, formes et usages…

From the third decade of the 20 century onward, Iranian cities have experienced a rapid transformation resulting from swift social, economic and political changes. These changes, stemming from many global factors such as industrial revolution, led to…

Malgré l'impression de pérennité qui se dégage de leur structure, les villes sont vulnérables : en l'espace de quelques heures, elles peuvent être détruites durant une catastrophe naturelle ou un conflit. L'histoire urbaine regorge d'exemples de…

Cette thèse porte sur la gouvernabilité des processus de projet d'aménagement urbain en territoires métropolitains. L'auteur montre comment l'exercice de la maîtrise d'ouvrage urbaine revient à constituer des moyens pour faire advenir ces projets, et…

The principal research question is “Why do some neighborhoods in U.S. urban areas stay economically healthy and others do not?” This study proposes three hypotheses on diverging paths of neighborhood change: first, neighborhood change is produced…

The thesis examines the main factors that have led to changes in socio-spatial residential pattern in Tallinn, the capital city of Estonia, and its surrounding region in the post-socialist period, and analyses transformation of this pattern during…

High technology is defined as software and hardware firms, information technology enabled services and fiber optics. These firms locate in large cities and take advantage of cheap and high skilled technical skills with knowledge of English language…

Competitiveness of city regions has gained a more and more central position in regional development and regional planning within the last decades. A reason for this is that globalisation has caused pressure on industrial structures forcing firms to…

A city is more than a physical imprint. Through its architecture and human use of urban space, it is an extension of its residents, an expression of their culture.

This investigation is situated within the domain of urban historical geography,…

This study is intended to be a critical examination of the role of law and the legal profession in urban planning and development in the context of East Africa. It discusses the actual, proposed and possible functions of law and gives a critical…
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