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  • Collection: Autres serveurs

This is a study of an event: an abortive royalist insurrection in the city of Nîmes in June 1790 and its aftermath - a series of royalist revolts centred upon the commune of Berrias in the department of the Ardèche in 1790, 1791 and 1792. The thesis…

Au XIXème siècle, l’enfance difficile, délinquante, marginale inquiète. La Loire, où voisinent agglomérations fortement industrialisées et zones rurales, est évidemment concernée. La justice, l’Assistance publique contribuent à l’encadrement de la…

L'étude d'archéologie urbaine menée à Sauveterre, une ville placée sur la frontière nord-ouest du pays de Béarn, a permis l'inventaire des vestiges médiévaux de monuments publics : pont, hôpital, château, église et couvent mendiant, et d'une…

Perth, Western Australia - a city become region one hundred kilometres in length and expanding yet - is a place variously adored and scorned; one noted widely for its landscape and its horizon, and relatively rarely for its architecture. Young, low…

Cette recherche propose d'étudier l'incidence de l'environnement urbain sur certains aspects du déplacement de la personne aveugle. Dans une approche écologique, nous prenons en considération plusieurs paramètres en étudiant, en situation réelle, la…

This thesis describes, conceptualizes and explains the segregated spatiality of everyday life of young affluent heads of households in post-war Beirut, Lebanon. It tracks how young affluent heads of households have come to produce the living spaces…

Les métropoles contemporaines sont marquées par des regroupements et des séparations des citadins, connus sous le terme de ségrégation. Ce phénomène est généralement appréhendé sur la base des localisations résidentielles. L’importance de la mobilité…

From the General Introduction : This dissertation is... about urban planning and design as well as it is about people, history and place. Urban planning and design are linked, as people history and place are. Boundaries between planning and design…

From the third decade of the 20 century onward, Iranian cities have experienced a rapid transformation resulting from swift social, economic and political changes. These changes, stemming from many global factors such as industrial revolution, led to…

The thesis examines the main factors that have led to changes in socio-spatial residential pattern in Tallinn, the capital city of Estonia, and its surrounding region in the post-socialist period, and analyses transformation of this pattern during…

Cette thèse porte sur le rôle des populations homosexuelles masculines dans les processus de gentrification. Elle se propose de construire une sociologie des processus de gaytrification, c'est-à-dire des cas des gentrification impliquant…

By exploring the usage of Ibirapuera and Carmo parks, the two largest and most attended municipal public parks in S?Paulo, this thesis aims to discuss the role public parks play within socio-spatial constitution of urban public life. Furthermore, our…

The dissertation analyzes recent urban transformations through the lens of space wars. The main focus is on investment flows in the commercial property market, changes in urban governance and changes in social geography, and how these three aspects…

The concentration of humans – in some cases judged as too high, in others not high enough – and the problems connected to this, have resulted in discussions on density. Prior to the 20th century, density in European cities was merely an outcome of…

This dissertation investigates the history and political economy of two Chinese cities, Shanghai and Hong Kong, in the context of debates about globalization and ‘global cities.’ My inquiry focuses on the interwoven relationships between…

This dissertation analyzes the slum redevelopment strategy introduced by the state government of Maharashtra (India) in its capital city, Mumbai (Bombay). The strategy involves demolishing the existing slums and building on the same sites at a higher…

At the end of the nineteenth century, St. Lawrence Boulevard, popularly known as 'the Main', attained mythical status in Montreal. Due to its particular location in the social and cultural geography of Montreal, the Main, which symbolically divides…

Following decades of sweeping social change, a 'new' Thai middle class emerged to become the main agents of the mass demonstrations which have rocked Bangkok for the better part of the past four years. Yet, the academic literature reveals a marked…

The current consensus in housing policy recognizes the importance of learning from rather than about informal settlements. To serve this end, this dissertation presents a novel methodology for investigating land and housing markets. The methodology…
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