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  • Collection: Autres serveurs

A city is more than a physical imprint. Through its architecture and human use of urban space, it is an extension of its residents, an expression of their culture.

This investigation is situated within the domain of urban historical geography,…

Historical research has provided scholars with a strong foundation for understanding the sport-city nexus in American culture. These studies have focused primarily on two distinct eras. The first links the rise of modern sporting and leisure…

A l'articulation entre sociologie urbaine et sociologie des groupes sociaux, la thèse est consacrée aux phénomènes de gentrification qui touchent les anciens quartiers populaires de centre-ville depuis plus de trente ans et à leurs acteurs habitants,…

La pollution de l’air concerne tout particulièrement les espaces urbains, où la part due au trafic automobile a supplanté celle des sources d’émissions plus anciennes que sont les activités industrielles et les systèmes de chauffage. Les déplacements…

Ce travail comporte quatre parties, la première est relative à la nouvelle géographie et sa participation active dans le domaine de la santé, la deuxième partie introduit des aspects géographiques et sanitaires de notre région et développe des…

L’émergence des villes et des états figure parmi les questions les plus complexes que posent le début des périodes historiques en Asie du Sud-Est, et le cas de la Birmanie en particulier, n’a jamais fait l’objet de recherches approfondies. Ce travail…

Old industrial areas have made broad use of new strategies as the means to overcome the difficulties created by the restructuring of their former economic foundation. The attempt to provide an appropriate environment for both fostering economic…

Notre thèse porte sur l’analyse du gouvernement de la circulation urbaine pour la période allant des années 1910 aux années 1960. Elle s’appuie sur un travail de terrain constitué principalement d’une monographie du cas lyonnais que nous avons…

At the time when the post-WWII neighbourhoods were built, they were much wanted housing environments. Today, however, they face many problems with safety, concentrations of poverty, and liveability. Much good is expected of social cohesion to restore…

The city of Dalian, on the southern tip of the Liaodong Peninsula in China's Northeast ('Manchuria'), underwent rapid development during the first half of the twentieth century. Between 1905 and 1945, Dalian and its environs were administered by…

This dissertation resituates C. A. Doxiadis in Post-War urban design history with a detailed examination of how urban growth and change was addressed by urban design strategies as applied in the master plan for Riyadh Saudi Arabia, undertaken between…

This research presents the case of growth in Buenos Aires since the late 1970s, when the decentralization of urban planning powers in the Province of Buenos Aires began, until 2001, when an economic crisis submerged -even if transitorily- more than…

Beaucoup d’observateurs s’accordent pour constater l’orientation des politiques sociales offertes aux populations vulnérables vers l’urgence, du fait de la pénurie d’emploi et de logement. Après avoir discuté les données concernant la double…

After World War Two, American cities began to break down. Their housing and industrial infrastructure fell into disrepair, and efforts to improve cities, including urban renewal and highway construction projects, only exacerbated the existing…

This dissertation discusses the mainly unpublished empirical, or "concrete", studies of urban space by Henri Lefebvre (1901 - 1991) and demonstrates that Lefebvre's theory of production of space cannot be understood without taking these studies into…

High technology is defined as software and hardware firms, information technology enabled services and fiber optics. These firms locate in large cities and take advantage of cheap and high skilled technical skills with knowledge of English language…

This doctoral thesis analyses the role of historical urban agriculture in a long-time perspective, through a combination of overarching surveys of Swedish towns and detailed studies of one town – Uppsala in east-central Sweden. The study shows how…

This study is about Homeowner’s architectural responses to crime in Dar es Salaam Tanzania: its impacts and implications to urban architecture, urban design and urban management. The study explores and examines the processes through which homeowners…

On August 29, 2005, a large tropical cyclone, named Hurricane Katrina, made landfall on the Gulf Coast of the United States. Despite following a track that mostly missed New Orleans, Katrina drowned this city by causing the failure of a protective…

Jerusalem is the declared capital of Israel, fundamental to Jewish tradition, and a contested city, part of the Israel–Palestine conflict. Departing from an analysis of mainly interviews and policy documents, this study aims to analyze the interplay…
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