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  • Collection: Espace Populations Sociétés

The demographic ageing from French cities' districts.

In twenty years (1962-1982), the population of 12 regional metropolises has undergone a considerable ageing. The analysis of the evolution, from the starting degree of ageing, shows that the…

Le vieillissement en Europe : quelques
Depuis longtemps la population de l'Europe comprend plus de personnes âgées, relativement, que celles des autres continents; la cause majeure en est le déclin prolongé de la fécondité. 13 % de la population de…

Clarke John I. Polarisation et déconcentration. In: Espace, populations, sociétés, 1985-1. Migrations et urbanisation - Migrations and cities. pp. 7-8.

Despite half a century of regional policy and recently massive rises in unemployment levels, the basic geographical pattern of regional problems in the United Kingdom remains, albeit with modifications. However, during the 1980 s, major job losses…

Gaspar Jorge. Le vote rural au Portugal.. In: Espace, populations, sociétés, 1987-3. Populations et élections - Populations and elections. pp. 533-539.

Households and families in Belgium. The situation in 1982 on a district level.

The proportion of private households constituted of a single person, which remained below 20 % until 1970, passed this level in 1981 to reach 23.1 % for the Kingdom. If…

This study identifies the effect of that spatial variation in certain socio-demographic variables has on the distribution of Madrid Metropolitan area. This area is presently undergoing an economic restructuring process which, due to their different…

After outlining both the geographical ubiquity and some of the conceptual problems with the migration-related demographic trend known as 'counterurbanisation', this paper seeks to expand our understanding of the scope of this phenomenon. This is done…

This paper examines the problems and issues of Post-Soviet immigrants of Jewish origin, who came to the United States from European part of the former Soviet Union in the 1990s and currently live in the Los Angeles area, namely, in the City of West…

Les communautés encloses aux Etats-Unis - Une nouvelle tendance du développement urbain.

Au cours des deux dernières décennies, l'énïergence de quartiers résidentiels fermés a marqué de façon importante le développement urbain aux États-Unis. On…

Les conditions de vie des ménages et l'analyse des migrations et de l'évolution de la société.
L'intérêt porté à l'étude des mouvements migratoires s'est, durant ces dernières années, de plus en plus concentré sur les ménages (en tant qu'unités de…

Houillon Vincent, Thomsin Laurence. Définitions du rural et de l'urbain dans quelques pays européens. In: Espace, populations, sociétés, 2001-1-2. Repopulation et mobilités rurales. pp. 195-200.

Sous le Franquisme, essentiellement de 1955 à 1965, les pouvoirs publics ont tenté de résoudre le problème de la forte croissance de Madrid par la construction de logements sociaux. Ceux-ci sont très variés par leur nature et leur localisation. On…

Conditioned by the largely rejecting and discriminatory socio-political climates in the United States and the transplanted Chinese cultural traditions, the Chinese in metropolitan Chicago before WW II displayed striking occupation concentration and…

Does the Presence of Foreigners Involve the Vote for the Extreme Right?.

This practice examines the statistical relation between the vote for the extreme right and the presence of foreigners. Beyond the political aspect, the goal is to understand…

Industrial Decline and Socio-Spatial Polarisation: the Case of Bilbao.

Since the end of the seventies, the metropolitan area of Bilbao has suffered, as other old european industrial cities, a strong decline in terms of population, employment and…

Below the separation.

The multiplication of separations, as well divorces as ruptures of non-married persons' cohabitations, attach a new importance to this phenomenon and have more effects on the repartition of households patterns. Two surveys (P.…

Les ménages dans la phase de réduction : mobilité résidentielle et consommation de logement.
La littérature sur la mobilité résidentielle nous montre que les familles qui déménagent cherchent un logement en « équilibre » avec la structure de la…

Grand-llet, a white isolât on the Upper Reunion Island ?
The concept of isolât which has been defined only by genetics and hastely taken up by other sciences, is applied at Grand-llet, in the area of the Cirque of Salazie on Reunion Island. The…
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