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  • Collection: Espace Populations Sociétés

Résumés des articles - Abstracts of articles. In: Espace, populations, sociétés, 1987-2. Personnes âgées et vieillissement - Elderly people and ageing. pp. 304-307.

Résumés des articles - Abstracts of articles. In: Espace, populations, sociétés, 1988-1. Ménages, familles et isolés - Households, families and lonely persons. pp. 5-10.

Résumés des articles - Abstracts of articles. In: Espace, populations, sociétés, 1985-3. Les mutations démographiques du Tiers monde. pp. 481-485.

Exode rural et migrations inter-urbaines en Turquie, métropoles et villes moyennes
Cette étude, réalisée en Turquie sur les données du recensement de 1970, analyse les différents flux de migration vers les centres urbains, et cherche à déterminer…

Rurbanisation and Periurbanisation in central Walloonia : a socio-demographical Approach.

Belgium has known, since the sixties, a huge and uninterrupted process of population redeployment in favour of the rural boroughs at the outskirts of big urban…

Profile of the Users of the Different Modern Health Care Services in the Central Benin.

According to which criteria do the Benineses choose among the rather diversified modern health care services now available ? This hypothesis was checked by…

Tassement démographique, mixité sociale relative, diversité associative, présence active des services publics, bâti correctement réhabilité et rééquilibrage en faveur du village ont permis à Sarcelles d'éviter la gradation promise en 1960.…

The increased capacity of households to allocate their time in several places as a result of both the growth of new flexible forms of work and a more mobile retirement lifestyle has contributed to a renewed interest in second homeownership all over…

Ségrégation et migrations de la seconde génération des minorités ethniques à Düsseldorf .

Les politiques du gouvernement pour promouvoir l'intégration des travailleurs immigrés et surtout de la seconde génération, ont toujours été affaiblies par…

Sex and space use: the mediation of role distribution in the households.

Authors show by means of two surveys they processed, the complexity of the relationship between gender différenciation and space use. They analyse this relationship with the…

Socialization and Marginalization of Youth in Brussels disadvantaged neighbourhoods, segre-gation at school

This paper looks at the socio-spatial processes of exclusion of youth in Brussels and starts with the strong relation between concentration…

L'exceptionnelle croissance urbaine qu'à connue Tahiti au cours des trente dernières années a coïncidé avec une croissance sans précédent induite, principalement par l'activité du Centre d'Expérimentation du Pacifique (Mururoa). Ces bouleversements…

Conditioned by the largely rejecting and discriminatory socio-political climates in the United States and the transplanted Chinese cultural traditions, the Chinese in metropolitan Chicago before WW II displayed striking occupation concentration and…

This study identifies the effect of that spatial variation in certain socio-demographic variables has on the distribution of Madrid Metropolitan area. This area is presently undergoing an economic restructuring process which, due to their different…

Specificity of unemployment in old industrial areas (the case of the Ruhr). Structural or structured unemployment?
The dispute about the nature of existing unemployment, that is keynesian or classic one, lets the debate open to understand how…

Population structure and dynamics: the later-life pyramid.

In demography and more generally in statistics, the positive (forward looking) direc- tion of time is privileged: the present behaviour of individuals is determined by previous events. Thus…

Vandermotten Christian, Vermoesen Frank. Structures sociales comparées de l'espace de trois villes européennes : Paris, Bruxelles, Amsterdam.. In: Espace, populations, sociétés, 1995-3. Les marginalités urbaines. pp. 395-404.
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