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The city of Yogyakarta, located in the center of Java is one of the main cultural centres of the island. The city is centered on the sultan's palace, the kraton. The purpose of this article is to analyse the process of cultural change in a…

The native chronicler Guaman Poma has attached particular importance to the city as the place of colonial rule in a work undertaken around 1585, half a century after the conquest of the Inca Empire by Spain, and completed around 1615. The text and…

Rehoboth (Namibia) is the town of a half-caste group, named the Basters. Until now, they have kept a strong identity, even strengthened by the apartheid rule. The future of Rehoboth and the words to describe this future are now debated, with the…

South Africain cities present some peculiarities due to the early implementation of racial segregation and its systematization under the apartheid regime. Such ideologies have given birth to a specific spatial form, which is the township. This paper…

In today's trend of global thinking, has the concept of local identity any sense at all ? Studying the special case of Nice leads to a positive answer. The text depicts how this singularity - so strongly verified today - roots itself in the geography…

This paper deals with the consumption of kava in town, as a cultural process and a space maker. Kava is a bridge between the rural areas, where the custom is still strong, and the town, heritage of European colonisation, where new cultural identities…

Sur le plan traditionnel, les liens entre les peuples, la place et la terre sont très forts en Mélanésie, et Bonnemaison a démontré comment certains Mélanésiens incorporent la notion de mouvement et de migration dans leur façon de s'identifier avec…

Un observatoire ne répond qu'à des interrogations spécifiques et à elles seules. De nombreux obstacles ne s'en dressent pas moins successivement sur le chemin de ces questionnements. Le cas de Quito permet de constater que des conflits potentiels,…

La mise en place de l'observatoire urbain de Quito permet d'examiner les problèmes posés par les relations entre recherche fondamentale et recherche opérationnelle. Tout d'abord, cette contribution met plein phare sur les difficultés d'une…

Jusqu'à présent, peu de travaux ont été consacrés à l'utilisation des revenus de la drogue, dans les villes du Nord comme du Sud. Or, aujourd'hui, blanchir de l'argent "sale" a pour effet de dynamiser une urbanisation confrontée à l'effacement de…

The paper, which aims to describe some aspects of the acculturation process in a rapidly developing society, focuses on the manners and customs related to food in the modern appartment complexes of Seoul. While the pervasive western LDK model is…
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