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  • Mots-clés: urbanisation

Extract from the introduction by You-tien Hsing: In this special issue, we have tried to bridge studies of the Chinese state and of the Chinese city by employing the concepts of space production and territoriality. Three sets of analytical tools…
Présentation par l'éditeur : Depuis le début des années 2000, l’internationalisation de l’économie et la régionalisation du système monde bouleversent la physionomie des villes de second…

Dans le domaine de l'urbanisme, le zonage fonctionnaliste est aujourd'hui mis en cause par la rhétorique du projet. Or, dans le même temps, la délimitation de périmètres d'intervention et de prescription apparaît comme une solution généralisée, non…
Terre habitée : humain et urbain à l'ère de la mondialisation - Suivi de : De l'attraction urbaine Présentation par l'éditeur : Rapportée à la ville en général, à son…
Abstract from the publisher : Most urban growth over the last several decades has been in suburban areas, but research in urban sociology and other urban disciplines has been focused on the city (the global city, the networked city, the…
Extract from the introduction : The object of this study is to describe and analyze the adjustments individuals make to modern conditions of urban development in a West African community. For most parts of tropical Africa, cities were not part of…

Organisers' description : “State, Space and Citizenship” is the title of a year of thematic programming on key issues confronting Indian cities, beginning in January 2009. This is sponsored by the Center for South Asian Studies at the…
Présentation par l'éditeur : Half of humanity now lives in cities, and within two decades, nearly 60 per cent of the world’s people will be urban dwellers. Urban growth is most rapid in the developing world, where cities gain an…
Abstract from the publisher : By the middle of the twenty-first century, more than fifty per cent of the world's population will live in an urban environment. Most of this new urban growth will take place in Asia and Africa, yet most governments in…
Abstract from the publisher : Small towns have often been considered as unimportant and have been largely ignored by policy-makers and researchers. Instead, attention was focussed on the large city or on rural development and agricultural change…
Abstract from the publisher : Each year, more than 15 million Chinese leave the rural areas of China and move to the cities. This figure exceeds 300,000 in the case of Shanghai. Before 2015, the majority of China’s population will be living…
Extract from the introduction by George F. McLean and Robert Magliola : Ten years ago an international seminar of The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy took up this question of "urbanization and values". The study printed…
Abstract from the publisher: This volume presents a collection of studies focussing on population and settlement patterns in the Roman empire in the perspective of the economic development of the Mediterranean world between 100 BC and AD 350. The…

Présentation par le diffuseur : Cette conférence a eu lieu dans le cadre de la 3ème rencontre franco-italienne, intitulée "La géographie sociale, le temps, le paysage" organisée par l'équipe…
Sebha, ville pionnière au coeur du Sahara lybien. Urbanisation, immigration, développement, tensions. Présentation par l'éditeur : Capitale du Fezzan, Sebha a connu ces dernières décennies une croissance…
Abstract from the publisher: UN-HABITAT’s new Cities and Citizens series examines urban inequality in the developing world through in-depth analysis of intracity data developed by UN-HABITAT and its partner institutions and on-the-ground…
Abstract from the publisher : Exploring the places where the rural and urban intersect, where many of the world’s people live. Much of the world’s population inhabits the urban fringe, an area that is neither fully rural nor urban.…
Abstract from the publisher: Megacity development and the inherent risks and opportunities for humans and the environment is a theme of growing urgency in the 21st century. Focusing on Latin America where urbanization is most advanced, this book…

Anant Maringanti is an independent scholar specialising in human geography, based in Hyderabad. Amita Baviskar is at the Institute of Economic Growth, New Delhi. Karen Coelho is at the Madras Institute of Development Studies. Vinay Gidwani is…

L’urbanisation est d’abord une localisation, c’est-à-dire une occupation du sol, d’où la réflexion de Vincent Renard sur le foncier, les formes de propriété, la spéculation, les usages, etc. Mais l’urbanisation n’est pas figée, les citadins circulent…
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