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Abstract from the publisher : The Russian City Between Tradition and Modernity provides a comprehensive history of urban development in European Russia during the last half of the nineteenth century. Using both statistical perspectives on…
Abstract from the publisher : In an effort to restyle Cairo into a global capital that would meet the demands of tourists and investors and to achieve President Anwar Sadat's goal to modernize the housing conditions of the urban poor, the Egyptian…
From the foreword by Charles Tilly : For a generation Sam Warner has written about American urban history by sketching the development of particular cities. A 1994 poll of urban history scholars identified him as the country's most influential…
From the preface : In pre-twentieth-century Europe, cities often reflected common ideas about the design of urban buildings. Typically the form of cities was cohesive, and public spaces were clearly defined because each building played a part in an…
Abstract from the publisher : The Promise of the City proposes a new theoretical framework for the study of cities and urban life. Finding the contemporary urban scene too complex to be captured by radical or conventional approaches, Kian Tajbakhsh…
From the preface : The American city: we think of the Manhattan skyline, of Chicago curving along the shore of Lake Michigan, or of the Golden Gate Bridge arcing into San Francisco. Or, if we think historically, we might envision steerage…
Abstract from the publisher : The Essential William H. Whyte offers the core writings of a great observer of the postwar American scene. Included are selections from The Organization Man, Securing Space for Urban America: Conservation Easements,…
Abstract from the publisher : Post, ex, sub and dis - these are but a few of the prefixes that have been used to compose neologisms for describing the contemporary cityscape. Terms such as posturban space, postsuburbia, exurbia and disurbia are…
Abstract from the publisher : What does the Western city at the end of the twentieth century look like? How did the modern metropolis of congestion and density turn into a posturban or even postsuburban cityscape? What are edge cities and…
Abstract from the publisher : For sixteen years William Whyte walked the streets of New York and other major cities. With a group of young observers, camera and notebook in hand, he conducted pioneering studies of street life, pedestrian behavior,…
Abstract from the publisher : "The challenges of an increasingly poor urban population, as well as the mushrooming of illegal or semi-legal settlements and slums, have been acknowledged by both local authorities and international development…
Le volume IV de la collection "Etudes sur le XVIIIe siècle" édité par Roland Mortier et Hervé Hasquin, rend compte de la journée d'étude organisée à Bruxelles le 6 novembre…
Présentation par l'éditeur : Cette étude traite du comportement des différents acteurs du secteur informel urbain - qui s'étend du commerce ambulant à l'habitat clandestin - à partir des…
Présentation par l'éditeur : Phénomènes sociaux de grande ampleur, les pèlerinages ne sauraient être réduits à leur seule dimension religieuse. Ils participent en effet pleinement aux…
Abstract from the publisher : This volume documents the continuing growth of concentrated poverty in central cities of the United States and examines what is known about its causes and effects. With careful analyses of policy implications and…
Abstract from the publisher : In Volume 1 of this two-volume publication, the authors review the international literature on urbanisation. They locate urbanisation in broader social transformations, study the role of households in the process of…
Actes du colloque international de Caen (6-8 octobre 2005) réunis par Philippe Fleury et Olivier Desbordes. Présentation par l'éditeur : Cet ouvrage rassemble les vingt-quatre communications prononcées lors du…
Présentation par l'éditeur : L’ouvrage propose dans un premier chapitre une réflexion sur le processus de métropolisation avec les témoignages de : - Marcel RONCAYOLO, qui offre une vision de géographe…
Présentation par l'éditeur : Place publique lancent Les Chroniques de l’Île, une collection d’ouvrages consacrés à ce nouveau pan de ville qui se construit sous nos yeux. Accepter…
Abstract from the publisher : This volume, by researchers working in urban agriculture, examines concrete strategies to integrate city farming into the urban landscape. Drawing on original field work in cities across the rapidly urbanizing global…
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