L’archéologie urbaine est dans un rapport dialectique constant entre les échelles de la fouille et de l’espace urbanisé ancien. D’une part les archives du sol centrent l’approche sur la matérialité de la ville, d’autre part l’histoire du rapport…
Today, I want to do the impossible and talk about urbanization and urban growth in fifty minutes. I'll give the classic example, which is the greatest project of human intervention or rebuilding, that is the…
- Matthew Taylor is the Chief Executive of the RSA.
- Lord Mawson is founder and President of the renowned Bromley by Bow Centre in east London and Co-founder and President of Community Action Network (CAN), a national charity supporting 850…
Dans une enquête qui se dévore comme un roman sur une cité d’une ville de l’Ouest, le sociologue Didier Lapeyronnie, professeur à la Sorbonne-Paris IV, dresse le constat oppressant d’une population en souffrance que tous préfèrent ignorer... jusqu’à…
Présentation :
Urban Dynamics est un projet vidéo international qui tente d'appréhender les dynamiques urbaines par le biais d'un collage d'environnements urbains du monde entier en assemblant des extraits de vidéos faits…
Présentation par le diffuseur :
Le retour de Philippe III et de sa cour à Madrid en 1606 implique une nouvelle donne pour les rapports entre la société de cour espagnole et la société madrilène. Le…
Présentation par le diffuseur :
Autrefois, il y avait... "la ville" : un lieu né en Grèce et qui a porté de siècle en siècle l’histoire européenne ; un lieu pensé pour le corps,…
Abstract from the distributor: Cities are the engines of metropolitan growth in the U.S. economy today. But key economic, demographics and environmental challenges threaten this role. Home to enormous economic disparities, struggling schools,…
Abstract from the distributor:
Placing the arts at the heart of the civic realm is essential to a rich and vibrant city. With rapid urbanization, the arts and humanities serve as indicators of the health and vigor of urban communities and civic…
Abstract from the distributor:
Islington, Docklands, Clapham and East London have all experienced huge changes in recent years through social and aesthetic 'makeovers' as areas have been regenerated and wealthier residents have moved in.…
The fourth panel of this symposium in celebration of Anthony Orum’s retirement: Great Cities/Ordinary Lives Conference - A look at the city and its residents from the bottom up
Panel 4 : Cities : Novel readings of the city and the lives of…
The third panel of this symposium in celebration of Anthony Orum’s retirement: Great Cities/Ordinary Lives Conference - A look at the city and its residents from the bottom up
Panel 3 : The lives of urban residents in a global world : Berlin,…
The first panel of this symposium in celebration of Anthony Orum’s retirement: Great Cities/Ordinary Lives Conference - A look at the city and its residents from the bottom up
Panel 1 : The lives of urban residents in a global world : Europe,…
Abstract from the distributor:
This paper considers the work of one of Indonesia’s most prominent contemporary writers, Seno Gumira Ajidarma. In this paper, I look at how Seno’s writing over the last 30 years traces and documents changes…
NB : A video is also available, but only covers 28 minutes of Saunders' talk and that of Michael Keith, the respondent. The audio file covers the question and answer session that follows.
Abstract from the distributor :
Urban regeneration is a key focus for public policy throughout Europe. This launch marks an examination of social sustainability through the analysis of its meaning and significance. The authors will offer a…
Abstract from the distributor :
We are in the middle of one of Gotham's greatest immigration waves, triggered by the 1965 immigration law. Our distinguished panelists will analyze how the newcomers have experienced, and transformed, the…
Abstract from the distributor :
I used to live in Washington DC, not far from a place I learned to call the “U Street Corridor.” I really had no idea why it was a “corridor” (most places in DC are just “streets”)…