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- Mots-clés: London
Applying new spatial techniques in the study of late medieval London
Mots-clés: analyse spatiale, cartographie, Colson Jeremy, espace urbain, histoire urbaine, London, Londres, méthodologie, Middle Ages, Moyen Âge
The gentrification of London
A city at risk from the City?
Mots-clés: City of London, économie, Faith Nicholas, finance, London, Londres
Worse than Cimmeran Darkness: Fog and the representation of Victorian London
London and other Great American Cities 50 years on
Imagining the East End in literature and social survey, 1880-1990
Imagining low life before the East End's invention, c. 1780s to 1840s
Multicultural London : Past, present and future. A history and policy discussion
Mots-clés: East End, Gavron Kate, histoire urbaine, immigration, London, Londres, mixité sociale, multicultural, multiculturel, White Jerry
Food and public space in a global city
Orbiting London - A conversation with Iain Sinclair
Mots-clés: Boal Iain, culture urbaine, littérature, London, Londres, Sinclair Iain, urbanité
Gender and sociability in early modern London
London : The story of a great city
Mots-clés: commerce, histoire urbaine, London, Londres, White Jerry
Do Londoners have a right to the city?
London lives
Mots-clés: histoire urbaine, London, Londres, société urbaine, sociologie urbaine
Urban age : New York
Mots-clés: aménagement urbain, banlieue, emploi, espace public, espace urbain, gouvernance, logement, London, Londres, mobilité, New York, planification, sécurité, transport, voisinage
Urban age : London
Reading London
'Race', culture and the right to the city: Centres, peripheries, margins
London under: The secret history beneath the streets
Mots-clés: Ackroyd Peter, archéologie, histoire urbaine, infrastructures, London, Londres
London, 1100-1600: The archaeology of a capital city
Mots-clés: archéologie, développement urbain, histoire urbaine, London, Londres, Middle Ages, Moyen Âge, Schofield John, urbanité