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- Mots-clés: croissance urbaine
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Des causes de la grandeur des villes
Quels sont les facteurs de la croissance urbaine ? Pourquoi certaines villes se développent-elles plus que d’autres ? Comment explique-t-on qu’une population cesse d’augmenter ? Autant de questions, propres aux sciences sociales modernes, qui dès…
Nineteenth-Century cities
Extract from the lecture transcript :
Today, I want to do the impossible and talk about urbanization and urban growth in fifty minutes. I'll give the classic example, which is the greatest project of human intervention or rebuilding, that is the…
Today, I want to do the impossible and talk about urbanization and urban growth in fifty minutes. I'll give the classic example, which is the greatest project of human intervention or rebuilding, that is the…
Urban colossus: Why is New York America's largest city?
Edward Glaeser looks at the history of New York and its contemporary character in order to answer the question of why New York became the largest city in America. He focuses especially on the economic aspects behind the city's growth.
Mots-clés: croissance urbaine, économie, histoire urbaine, mutation urbaine
Cities and time
Cities are the human organizations with the greatest longevity but also the fastest rate of change. Just now the world is going massively and unstoppably urban (governments everywhere are trying to stop it, with zero success). In a globalized world,…
Cleveland and sprawl : A global perspective
Bruegmann's fields of research and teaching are architectural, urban, landscape, and planning history and historic preservation. He has received scholarships and fellowships from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Graham Foundation, the…
Un milliard d'êtres humains s'y entassent : que faire des bidonvilles ?
Le site de la TSR propose de voir en ligne l'émission de février 2010 consacrée aux bidonvilles : présentation du contexte, reportage, et entretien avec l'invité (Dennis Rodgers).
De plus, sur la page consacrée à l'émission, la TSR donne accès à…
De plus, sur la page consacrée à l'émission, la TSR donne accès à…
Mots-clés: bidonville, croissance urbaine, pauvreté
L'enjeu capital(es), les métropoles de la grande échelle
L’architecte est-il encore partie prenante dans la production de l’urbain ? Les domaines d’exercice professionnel de l’architecture ou de l’urbanisme couvrent-ils encore l’ensemble des champs de compétence et de fonctionnalité nécessaires pour…
Mots-clés: capitale, croissance urbaine, écologie, métropole, mutation urbaine, planification
Community Growth: Crisis and Challenge (ca. 1959)
Présentation :
Ce documentaire de la National Association of Home Builders déplore l'urbanisation non planifiée et encourage à chercher de nouveaux concepts de planification urbaine.
Il présente un…
Urban Dynamics
Présentation :
Urban Dynamics est un projet vidéo international qui tente d'appréhender les dynamiques urbaines par le biais d'un collage d'environnements urbains du monde entier en assemblant des extraits de vidéos faits…
Vers une nouvelle révolution urbaine ?
Présentation par le diffuseur :
La première moitié du XXe siècle a profondément renouvelé les idées en matière d’urbanisme alors que la population urbaine connaissait une croissance sans…
Mots-clés: croissance urbaine, développement durable, forme urbaine, urbanisme
Ghana : Accra, une ville assoiffée
Présentation par le diffuseur :
Spéciale Forum Mondial de l’eau.
Avec ses 4 millions d’habitants, la capitale du Ghana est en pleine expansion : urbanisme galopant, voies de circulation engorgées et un accès…
Mots-clés: Accra, assainissement, croissance urbaine, eau, gestion de l'eau, Ghana
Next eco-city symposium
Abstract from the distributor (see conference website for full details):
Urban environments worldwide are in the midst of multiple shifts, driven by interconnected flows in capital, people, and resources at local, regional and global scales. It…
The shape of the new American city conference
Abstract from the distributor: Cities are the engines of metropolitan growth in the U.S. economy today. But key economic, demographics and environmental challenges threaten this role. Home to enormous economic disparities, struggling schools,…
Under metropolis: Exploring the cultural history of Buenos Aires underground railways (c. 1886-1945)
Dhan Singh is a postgraduate student in history at the Institute of Historical Research.
African urbanism
Organisers' description :
Africa is the fastest urbanising region in the world, and has become the focus of increasing attention from architects and planners, academics, development agencies and urban think-tanks. Professor Edgar Pieterse argues for…
Mots-clés: Africa, Afrique, croissance urbaine, économie, Pieterse Edgar, urbanisation
India's urban transformation : From challenge to opportunity
Aromar Revi is an international consultant, practitioner and researcher with nearly twenty five years of inter-disciplinary experience in public policy, governance, institutional development, as well as the political economy of reform, development,…
Mots-clés: croissance urbaine, économie, Inde, India, mutation urbaine, Revi Aromar, urbanisation
Lagos : Confronting change in a global megacity
Organisers' description :
Lagos is one the fastest growing cities in Africa, and the seventh fastest growing city in the world. Governor Babatunde Fashola discusses how his administration is managing rapid urbanization and growth of this 17.5…
Beijing inside out : Caochangdi
Organisers' description :
James Stirling Memorial Lecture on the City, LSE Cities Programme in collaboration with the Canadian Centre for Architecture and the Center for Architecture, New York.
The speakers examine the problems and possibilities…
State, space and citizenship : Indian cities in the global era
Organisers' description :
“State, Space and Citizenship” is the title of a year of thematic programming on key issues confronting Indian cities, beginning in January 2009. This is sponsored by the Center for South Asian Studies at the…
Urban age : London
Part of the Urban Age six-year conference series, this conference takes as its theme 'London : Europe's global city?'. As well as a wealth of related data and analysis, mp3 recordings of the entire conference are available on the Urban Age website.…