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  • Mots-clés: Inde

Abstract from the distributor: ‘No urbanism without urbanists’ might be a slogan that captures the European and North American urban experience over the past two centuries. Indeed, it is arguable that urbanism is not only an empirical…

Organisers' description : The scholarship with regard to the process of urbanization in the context of globalization has been dominated by the "global cities" paradigm in which Saskia Sassen outlines the increasing centrality of cities as…

Aromar Revi is an international consultant, practitioner and researcher with nearly twenty five years of inter-disciplinary experience in public policy, governance, institutional development, as well as the political economy of reform, development,…

Un reportage d'Edith Bouvier diffusé dans l'émission C'est pas du vent d'Anne-Cécile Bras. Présentation par le diffuseur : Bombay, une mégapole, cœur financier de l’Inde compte près de 16…

Organisers' description : “State, Space and Citizenship” is the title of a year of thematic programming on key issues confronting Indian cities, beginning in January 2009. This is sponsored by the Center for South Asian Studies at the…

Organisers' description : As part of the first Trehan India Initiative Theme Year at the University of Michigan, a three-panel interdisciplinary graduate student conference will be held September 25, 2009. This Theme Year, entitled “State,…

Abstract from the distributor : What dynamics contribute to emergence of social tensions and conflicts in an urban environment? Mass mobilisations and episodes of collective violence have been a constant element in the development of large Indian…

Part of the Urban Age six-year conference series, this conference takes as its theme 'Johannesburg : Challenges of inclusion?'. As well as a wealth of related data and analysis, mp3 and video recordings of the entire conference are available on the…

Un reportage diffusé dans Là bas si j'y suis de Daniel Mermet Reportage de Giv Anquetil et Daniel Mermet à Dacca, capitale du Bangladesh, avec 10 millions d’habitants. Une ville embouteillée en…
Abstract from the publisher: Muslims constitute the largest minority in India yet, surprisingly, they suffer the most politically and socioeconomically. Forced to contend with severe and persistent prejudice, they often fall victim to violence and…
Présentation par l'éditeur : Le sens de l’espace donne du sens à la ville. Cet ouvrage le démontre par l’exemple indien. Car si l’Inde est trop souvent représentée à travers des…
Abstract from the publisher : Presenting an original take on women’s safety in the cities of twenty-first century India, Why Loiter? maps the exclusions and negotiations that women from different classes and communities encounter in the…
Abstract from the publisher : In the 20th century, Ahmedabad was India's "shock city." It was the place where many of the nation's most important developments occurred first and with the greatest intensity—from Gandhi’s…
Présentation par l'éditeur : Ce travail d’architecte-historien extrêmement fouillé et documenté traque, à l’occasion de la rencontre de l’auteur de l’Esprit nouveau, du concepteur de…
Abstract from the publisher : In Imagining the Urban, Shonaleeka Kaul turns to Sanskrit literature to discover the characteristics—both physical and social—of ancient Indian cities. Kaul examines nearly a thousand years of Sanskrit…
Abstract from the publisher : Globalisation and a neo-liberal world order are impacting the global urban system, resulting in massive transformation of cities across the world. This transformation, which is currently the centre of focus among…
Présentation par l'éditeur : Dans un contexte de développement urbain et de périurbanisation rapides, l'accès à l'eau potable se révèle être un véritable défi pour les…
From the preface by Hazel Shepard (September 1885) : There is a saying, as old as it is true, that he who would be a writer must first of all have something to write something new to tell, or some new or better way of putting forth what is already…
Abstract from the publisher: Integrated City Making is a report by Philipp Rode, Julie Wagner, Richard Brown, Rit Chandra and Jayaraj Sundaresan of the Urban Age Programme at the London School of Economics and Political Science. In 2007, Urban Age…

Sommaire du n° 21 d'EchoGéo : Editorial Jean-Louis Chaléard - Sous le signe de l’émancipation Sur le Métier Art et géographie Anne Volvey - Oeuvrer d’art l’espace. Entretiens avec Till…
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