Présentation par l'éditeur :
Capitale de l’Empire ottoman, ville-port caractérisée par une grande diversité ethnique et confessionnelle, Istanbul est à la fin du XIXe siècle une métropole…
Abstract from the publisher: Between 1840 and 1880, the Eastern Mediterranean port of Izmir (Smyrna) underwent unprecedented change. A modern harbor that welcomed international steamships and new railway lines that transported a cornucopia of…
Présentation par l'éditeur :
1453 : Constantinople, moribonde, s'effondre sous les coups du sultan Mehemmed le Conquérant.
L'ancienne cité des empereurs de Byzance s'efface pour devenir Istanbul, la capitale de l'empire…
Abstract from the publisher: The history of Jerusalem as traditionally depicted is the quintessential history of conflict and strife, of ethnic tension, and of incompatible national narratives and visions. It is also a history of dramatic changes…
Abstract from the publisher : The nexus of urban governance and human migration was a crucial feature in the modernisation of cities in the Ottoman Empire of the nineteenth century. This book connects these two concepts to examine the Ottoman city…
From the preface by Hazel Shepard (September 1885) : There is a saying, as old as it is true, that he who would be a writer must first of all have something to write something new to tell, or some new or better way of putting forth what is already…