Ce livre montre comment la modernisation des polices commence bien avant l’époque française (1794-1814), dans les interrogations qui émergent au XVIIIe siècle et dans un mouvement long, de professionnalisation des polices urbaines en…
Ce livre montre comment la modernisation des polices commence bien avant l’époque française (1794-1814), dans les interrogations qui émergent au XVIIIe siècle et dans un mouvement long, de…
Quel regard, tour à tour affectueux, admiratif et irrité, Parisiens et visiteurs de passage ont-ils porté au fil des siècles sur une des plus belles capitales au monde ? Telle est la question à laquelle tente de répondre ce livre, conçu à l'image des…
This symposium considered the similarities and differences in the histories of urban modernization in cities during the late 19th through the early 21st century—with a look at global cities now under construction or in the planning stages. The…
Abstract from the publisher: In most cities today, fire has been reduced to a sporadic and isolated threat. But throughout history the constant risk of fire has left a deep and lasting imprint on almost every dimension of urban society. This volume,…
Abstract from the publisher: Between 1840 and 1880, the Eastern Mediterranean port of Izmir (Smyrna) underwent unprecedented change. A modern harbor that welcomed international steamships and new railway lines that transported a cornucopia of…
Abstract from the publisher : We live in a world of big cities. Urbanization, globalization and modernization have received considerable attention but rarely are the connections and relations between them the subjects of similar attention. Cities…
Présentation par l'éditeur :
Contrairement à ce que l'on pourrait croire, la Seconde Guerre mondiale correspond en fait à un intense ensemble d'expériences architecturales observées dans les pays en guerre…
Abstract from the publisher : The nexus of urban governance and human migration was a crucial feature in the modernisation of cities in the Ottoman Empire of the nineteenth century. This book connects these two concepts to examine the Ottoman city…
For twenty years now, cities from Central Europe to Central Asia have seen revolutionary change. Following the collapse of socialism, their outward appearance, functional composition, and symbolic representation have been shattered and reassembled by…
Abstract from the publisher :
The “Age of Great Cities” erupted in East Central Europe in the last quarter of the 19th century as migrants poured into imperial and regional capitals. For citizens of places like Cracow, discovering and…
Abstract from the publisher :
In this small, but sharply-pointed book, renowned theorist Sanford Kwinter addresses the sometimes subtle, sometimes brutal transformations that characterized the modernization processes set into motion at the turn of…
Extract from the preface by Otto F. Kraushaar: The essays which make up this colume represent the thoughtful efforts of a number of distinguished specialists to examine afresh the implications of urbanism for modern man. They were presented during…
From the introduction : During the nineteenth century, a concerted effort was made to transform the Ottoman capital of Istanbul into a Western-style capital, paralleling the general struggle to salvage the Ottoman Empire by reforming its…
Abstract from the publisher :
In nineteenth-century Paris, passionate involvement with revolution turned the city into an engrossing object of cultural speculation. For writers caught between an explosive past and a bewildering future, revolution…