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Muslims in Indian cities: Trajectories of marginalisation

Dublin Core


Muslims in Indian cities: Trajectories of marginalisation


ethnicité, ethnicity, ségrégation urbaine, Muslim, Musulman, violence urbaine, conflit urbain, marginalité, société urbaine, Inde, India, Gayer Lauren, Jaffrelot Christophe


Abstract from the publisher:
Muslims constitute the largest minority in India yet, surprisingly, they suffer the most politically and socioeconomically. Forced to contend with severe and persistent prejudice, they often fall victim to violence and collective acts of murder. While the quality of Muslim life may lag behind that of Hindus nationally, local, inclusive cultures have been resilient in the south and the east. In the Hindi belt and in the north, Muslims have known less peace, especially in the riot-prone areas of Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Jaipur, and Aligarh, and in the capitals of former Muslim states–Delhi, Hyderabad, Bhopal, and Lucknow. These cities are rife with Muslim ghettos and slums, though self-segregation has also played a part in forming Muslim enclaves, as in Delhi and Aligarh, where traditional elites and the new Muslim middle class regrouped for physical and cultural protection. This book deploys a quantitative methodology combining firsthand testimony with sound critical analysis.
Christophe Jaffrelot was until recently director of the Centre d’Etudes et de Recherches Internationales (CERI).
Laurent Gayer is research director of the French Centre de Sciences Humaines in New Delhi.




Columbia University Press


February 2012



