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  • Collection: Espace Populations Sociétés

Dans un premier temps, la croissance urbaine valorise et stimule l'agriculture périurbaine. Ensuite, la ville encombre et souille son environnement. En considération des dommages, les programmes d'urbanisme et d'aménagement régional cherchent à…

Spatial frictions between population and employment.

With census data, we examine whether the distribution of jobs and that of people over the French territory display a greater degree of « harmony » in 1990 than they did in 1982.…

The Actual Challenge of Major American Central Cities in the Era of Métropolisation.

For a century now, the metropolitan level has been part of the US Census survey (metropolitan districts). At the beginning, the concentration movement in the…

Traditionnel pays d'immigration, la Guyane constitue une mosaïque de communautés dans laquelle les Haïtiens, arrivés à partir de 1974, constituent la principale composante. Cette migration massive, spontanée et clandestine, joue un rôle fondamental…

En matière de mortalité, les inégalités entre les arrondissements ou quartiers de Paris et entre les secteurs de la Petite Couronne sont sensiblement supérieures à celles que l'on rencontre entre les différents départements de la France…

The Geographical Inequalities of Mortality by Cancer in the Metropolitan Area of Venice-Padua.

The study of mortality by cancer in the metropolitan territory of Venice-Padua, devided into subterritories choosen accord- 'ing to geographical…

Geographical Disparities of Mortality by Death Causes in Madrid.

In Madrid the spatial distribution analysis of general death rates and of main death causes shows the presence of similar spatial configurations in opposition. There is a northeast,…

Italians in Nogent, Past and Present.

The Italian migration to Nogent is one of the oldest in Paris and its suburbs. A network, stemming from an Apenine valley, produced a genuine community, living apart in the centre of the town. Such a case is…

Piédanna Vincent. Les jeunes de 15 à 24 ans en Europe, activité, chômage et formation. In: Espace, populations, sociétés, 1998-2. Les jeunes - The young People. pp. 283-295.

Kesteloot Christian, White Paul. Les marginalités urbaines.. In: Espace, populations, sociétés, 1995-3. Les marginalités urbaines. pp. 275-276.

The households of foreigners in France: evolution and spatial disparities.

The foreign households living in France between 1975 and 1982 have increased both in proportion and in size. This twofold trend is indicative of the importance of family…

Notions of Home the Caribbean Migrants in France.

The study of the Caribbean migration to metropolitan France, its history, characteristics and recent evolution, reveals a highly complex reality. This paper is the fruit of reflections on the…

Retirement migrations of city-dwellers in France.

Retirement migration is in France a very important phenomenon; one parisian household out of four, one provincial household out of eight, leaves his city for good at the time of retirement. Flows…

Retirement migrations of Milaneses.

This paper studies for 1981 the retirement migrations from the metropolitan area of Milan. We have used both census data (household sample) and register data (all migrations in 1981). The findings show that…

Migration between the 21 countries members of the Council of Europe: Searching for the best estimation.
The comparison, and thereby the analysis of international migration statistics, are not easy, due to variations in definitions and the coverage…

Manifold Mobility Patterns among Bogota's Inhabitants.

To improve the analysis of urban dynamics, we need a better grasp of the mobility patterns of urban dwellers, at various space and time levels (from day to day commuting to life histories) as…

Coupleux Sylvie, Duhamel Sabine. Les mobilités spatiales. In: Espace, populations, sociétés, 1999-2. Les mobilités spatiales. pp. 185-186.

The Recent Dynamics of Settlement in the Border Regions of Walloonia.

For some years, certain localities have stopped losing their inhabitants and present, on the contrary, a spectacular population growth. This change is due to a strong migratory…

Chauviré Yvan. Les particularités des ménages parisiens. In: Espace, populations, sociétés, 1988-1. Ménages, familles et isolés - Households, families and lonely persons. pp. 141-146.

Larivière Jean-Pierre. Les populations d'Asie orientale.. In: Espace, populations, sociétés, 1995-2. Les populations d'Asie orientale. pp. 157-158.
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