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  • Collection: Espace Populations Sociétés

Si la mobilité géographique de la population totale a fait l'objet de nombreuses études, en revanche la mobilité des étrangers au sein de l'espace national n'a pas fait, jusqu'à présent, l'objet de nombreuses investigations. Or on peut s'interroger…

Population Densities : Introduction to a Geography of eastern Africa ?

The high demographic growth rate which strikes East Africa does not alter the major patterns of the population distribution nor the density geography in the region. However,…

La renaissance rurale est attestée par une croissance démographique due aux flux migratoires. La plus grande partie des communes de l'espace rural enregistrent plus d'arrivées que de départs. Les jeunes couples quittent les villes pour s'installer…

Effects of the Population Ageing on Tourism Patterns in France.

Ageing of the population, change in lifestyles of the elderly citizens, the tourism operators will be strongly affected by these long term socio-demographic evolutions. Retired persons…

From an open Space to a saturated one. Land and Population Dynamics in the Kouka Department, Burkina Faso.

In the department of Kouka, the population density increased from 12 to 43,5 inhabitants/km2 between 1952 and 1993. This strong demographic…

The peopling of Quebec's rural regions facing the phenomenous of denatality and desurbanization.

Quebec is among nations, one with the lowest birthrate. Quebec rural families which energically lived by the «revanche des berceaux», today register…

Le présent article propose une analyse de l'évolution démographique récente des communes de l'espace à dominante rurale français à partir des résultats du dernier recensement de population (1999). Son objet principal est de mesurer l'influence des…

The Stake of a sustainable Reconversion of industrial Tradition Territories : the Example of the Nord - Pas-de-Calais Coal field.

Not only the reconverting areas are confronted with the stake of the renewal of their economic activities system, but…

Forms and Mechanisms of urban Mobility in Algeria

During the thirty last years, the Algerian urban society has known three cycles of mobility. A centripetal mobility induced the Algerians from old urban centres and precarious suburbs to move to the…
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