Dublin Core
La mobilité interne des étrangers et des immigrés
France ; Immigrants ; Foreigners ; Migration Flows
Mouvements migratoires ; France ; Etrangers ; Immigrés
Si la mobilité géographique de la population totale a fait l'objet de nombreuses études, en revanche la mobilité des étrangers au sein de l'espace national n'a pas fait, jusqu'à présent, l'objet de nombreuses investigations. Or on peut s'interroger sur le rôle de ces mouvements migratoires dans la distribution de la population étrangère sur le territoire. Après une brève analyse des taux de mobilité intercensitaires pour les principales nationalités, l'on présente une démarche d'analyse qui montre que pour les régions du Sud de la France les migrations résidentielles ont faiblement contribué à la diminution des taux d'étrangers et d'immigrés observés au cours des dernières années.
Migration Flows : Foreigners and Immigrants.
Migration flows for the total population have been the subject of a great number of studies. Migration flows relating to foreigners within national borders, on the other hand, have not been widely examined. And yet we can legitimately ask what the role of such migration flows is on the distribution of foreigners within the country. After a brief analysis of the mobility rates between census years for the main nationality groupings, we present an analytical method which shows that, as far as the regions in the south of France are concerned, migration flows have had a minimal effect on the fall in numbers of foreigners and immigrants registered over the last few years.
Migration flows for the total population have been the subject of a great number of studies. Migration flows relating to foreigners within national borders, on the other hand, have not been widely examined. And yet we can legitimately ask what the role of such migration flows is on the distribution of foreigners within the country. After a brief analysis of the mobility rates between census years for the main nationality groupings, we present an analytical method which shows that, as far as the regions in the south of France are concerned, migration flows have had a minimal effect on the fall in numbers of foreigners and immigrants registered over the last few years.
Aubry Bernard. La mobilité interne des étrangers et des immigrés. In: Espace, populations, sociétés, 1996-2-3. Immigrés et enfants d'immigrés. pp. 299-303.
Bernard Aubry