Abstract from the publisher :
Powerful exposé of how contemporary political violence now perates through sites, space and infrastructures of everyday life
Cities have become the new battleground of our increasingly urban world. From the…
4e de couverture :
Les textes réunis dans cet ouvrage parlent tous d’espaces en partages et en transactions. Vivre dans un espace suppose de partager cet espace avec d’autres, d’y inscrire des capacités d’agir…
Extract from the introduction:
The task I have undertaken in this book is to account for the peculiar sense of solidarity that the citizens of Barcelona developed between 1888 and 1939, and to explain why shared experiences of civic culture and…
Abstract from the publisher :
The Russian City Between Tradition and Modernity provides a comprehensive history of urban development in European Russia during the last half of the nineteenth century. Using both statistical perspectives on…
Abstract from the publisher:
Some of the most intractable and enduring challenges of development are concerned with reducing insecurity. Early and very current development debates have been concerned with issues of food security.
Les Cahiers des Amériques Latines est une publication de l'Institut des Hautes Etudes de l’Amérique latine. Les anciens numéros (datant de plus de trois ans) sont disponibles en texte intégral sur le site internet de…
Abstract from the publisher :
For millions of people around the world, violence, or the fear of violence, is a daily reality. Much of this violence concentrates in urban centers in the developing world. Cities are now home to half the world's…
Extract from the Introduction :
The Comparative Urban Studies Project at the Woodrow Wilson Center began a project in 1997 designed to both identify factors that contribute to making urban areas centers of violence and poverty and propose policy…
Abstract from the publisher :
During its long history as the French colonial city par excellence, Algiers was the site of recurrent conflicts between colonizer and colonized. Through architecture and urban forms confrontations were crystallized,…
Organisers' description :
The Eighth Berlin Roundtables on Transnationality on “Collective Identities, Governance and Empowerment in Megacities” took place from 11 – 16 June 2008.
An international essay competition was organized…
Abstract from the author :
Reconciliation through reintegration? : a study on spatial proximity and social relations in two post-civil war Beirut neighborhoods.
Although the Lebanese Civil War ended in 1991 and Beirut became a reunified city, much…