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City and community

Dublin Core


City and community


, tourisme, sociabilité, sociologie urbaine, société urbaine, espace public, environnement urbain, nature dans la ville


Abstract from the publisher :
City & Community (C&C) aims to advance urban sociological theory, promote the highest quality empirical research on communities and urban social life, and encourage sociological perspectives on urban policy. It welcomes contributions that employ quantitative and qualitative methods as well as comparative and historical approaches. The journal encourages manuscripts exploring the interface of global and local issues, locally embedded social interaction and community life, urban culture and the meaning of place, and sociological approaches to urban political economy. The journal also seeks articles on urban spatial arrangements, social impacts of local natural and built environments, urban and rural inequalities, virtual communities, and other topics germane to urban life and communities that will advance general sociological theory.
Contents :
City Tour Guides: Urban Alchemists at Work - Jonathan R. Wynn
The Nightly Round: Space, Social Capital, and Urban Black Nightlife - Marcus Anthony Hunter
Revisiting the End of Public Space: Assembling the Public in an Urban Park - David J. Madden
Foregrounding Nature: An Invitation to Think About Shifting Nature-City Boundaries - Stella M. Čapek
Book Reviews


Multiple authors




June 2010


145 - 234

