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Urban policy and research (Volume 28, Issue 3 2010)

Dublin Core


Urban policy and research (Volume 28, Issue 3 2010)


Australia, Australie, logement, logement social, aménagement urbain, politique du logement, politique urbaine


Abstract from the publishers :
Urban Policy and Research is an international journal dedicated to the publication of refereed articles in English in the field of urban studies and urban policy in Australia, New Zealand and the Asia Pacific region. The scope of the journal is international in two senses: it presents to a worldwide readership a view of the urban policies of particular countries, and it encourages dialogue among researchers, policy makers and practitioners in the region.

Urban Policy and Research seeks to develop better links between theoretical and empirical research, and practice. It seeks to stimulate informed debate about urban issues by publishing material from a wide range of theoretical and research approaches.

While there is an emphasis on Australian and New Zealand urban policy, Urban Policy and Research welcomes articles of relevance to our core readership to encourage an outward looking perspective among scholars and practitioners.
Contents :
Transforming Australia's Social Housing: Pointers from the British Stock Transfer Experience - Hal Pawson; Tony Gilmour
Planning a City through ‘Dialogue’: Deliberative Policy-making in Action in Western Australia - Diane Hopkins
Relocatable Homes: Medieval Tenure in the 21st Century? - David Bunce
A City for the Temporary? Political Economy and Urban Planning in Darwin, Australia - Dean Carson; Doris Schmallegger; Sharon Harwood
Perceptions of Home Ownership among Indigenous Home Owners - Mark Moran; Kirsti Mcqueen; Anna Szava
How National Planning Might Enrich Metropolitan Planning in Australia - Raymond Bunker; Kristian Ruming
Urban Consolidation, Household Greenhouse Emissions and the Role of Planning - Rowan Gray; Brendan Gleeson; Matthew Burke
Book Reviews


Multiple authors






241 - 357

