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International journal of urban and regional research (Volume 34, Issue 3)

Dublin Core


International journal of urban and regional research (Volume 34, Issue 3)


, participation, démocratie participative, changement climatique, environnement urbain, représentations, intégration, aménagement urbain, jardin, emploi, immigration, immobilier, économie, émigré, crise, foncier, gouvernance


Abstract from the publisher :
A groundbreaking forum for intellectual debate, IJURR is at the forefront of urban and regional research. With a cutting edge approach to linking theoretical development and empirical research, and a consistent demand for quality, IJURR encompasses key material from an unparalleled range of critical, comparative and geographic perspectives. Embracing a multidisciplinary approach to the field, IJURR is essential reading for social scientists with a concern for the complex, changing roles and futures of cities and regions.
Contents :
Participation in Urban Contention and Deliberation - Hilary Silver, Alan Scott and Yuri Kazepov
Conflict, Collaboration and Climate Change: Participatory Democracy and Urban Environmental Struggles in Durban, South Africa - Alex Aylett
The Participant's Dilemma: Bringing Conflict and Representation Back In - Debbie Becher
Social Inclusion through Participation: the Case of the Participatory Budget in São Paulo - Esther Hernandez-Medina
Putting the ‘Community’ into Community Planning: Assessing Community Inclusion in Northern Ireland - Ruth McAlister
Public Participation in Post-Fordist Urban Green Space Governance: The Case of Community Gardens in Berlin - Marit Rosol
Transnationalism as a Force for Ethnic Minority Enterprise? The Case of Somalis in Leicester - Trevor Jones, Monder Ram and Nick Theodorakopoulos
Does Urban Concentration/Dispersion Affect Immigrants' Professional Opportunities? The case of the Porto Metropolitan Area - Emilia Malcata Rebelo
The Expatriate Real Estate Complex: Creative Destruction and the Production of Luxury in Post-Socialist Prague - Andrew Cook
Stadium Architecture and Urban Development from the Perspective of Urban Economics - Gabriel Ahlfeldt and Wolfgang Maennig
Real Estate, the City and Place: The Crisis Unfolds - Roger Keil
Capital Culture Revisited: Sex, Testosterone and the City - Linda McDowell
The Global Financial Crisis and Migrant Workers in China: ‘There is No Future as a Labourer; Returning to the Village has No Meaning’ - Kam Wing Chan
‘Not Relevant to the System’: The Crisis in the Backyards - Matthias Bernt and Dieter Rink
How the State is Handling the Property Crisis in France: A Perspective on Recent Government Measures - Julie Pollard
Crisis in the Resurgent City? The Rise of Copenhagen - Hans Thor Andersen and Lars Winther
Amsterdam in Crisis: How the (Local) State Buffers and Suffers - Ewald Engelen and Sako Musterd
Book reviews


Multiple authors




September 2010



