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City and society (Vol. 22, No. 2)

Dublin Core


City and society (Vol. 22, No. 2)


, gentrification, déplacement de population, paysage urbain, identité, espace urbain


Abstract from the publisher :
City & Society, the journal of the Society for Urban, National and Transnational/Global Anthropology, is intended to foster debate and conceptual development in urban, national, and transnational anthropology, particularly in their interrelationships.
Contents :
Special issue : Displacement, gentrification and resettlement - Rhoda Halperin and Suzanne Scheld, Guest Editors.
In Memory of Rhoda Halperin (1946–2009) - Suzanne Scheld
Urban School Displacement: The Resettlement of a Community School - Rhoda H. Halperin
Special Economic Zones in India: Reconfiguring Displacement in a Neoliberal Order? - Preeti Sampat
African Americans as Placemakers in the Tamarack Triangle Community of Silver Spring, Maryland - Elgin Klugh

Special issue : Locating Personhood and Place in the Commodity Landscape - Brian A. Hoey, Guest Editor.
Introduction: Locating Personhood and Place in the Commodity Landscape - Brian A. Hoey
Cosmologies of Bungalow Preservation: Identity, Lifestyle, and Civic Virtue - Denise Lawrence-Zúñiga
Place for Personhood: Individual and Local Character in Lifestyle Migration - Brian A. Hoey
Wall Street Women: Engendering Global Finance in the Manhattan Landscape - Melissa Suzanne Fisher
“Making Streets”: Planned Space and Unplanned Business in New Kujiang, Taiwan - Ching-Wen Hsu  


Multiple authors


American Anthropological Association Distributor Wiley


December 2010


143 - 308

