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Cities (Vol. 28, No. 1)

Dublin Core


Cities (Vol. 28, No. 1)


, aménagement urbain, transport, espace urbain, développement urbain, catastrophe, disaster, mutation urbaine, voisinage, interaction sociale, renouvellement urbain, culture urbaine, Urumqi, Kirby A.


Abstract from the publisher :
Cities offers a comprehensive range of articles on all aspects of urban policy. It provides an international and interdisciplinary platform for the exchange of ideas and information between urban planners and policy makers from national and local government, non-government organizations, academia and consultancy.
Contents :
Editorial : City profiles - A. Kirby
Singapore’s changing spaces - Emily Y.X. Soh, Belinda Yuen
Evaluation of plan implementation in the transitional China: A case of Guangzhou city master plan - Li Tian, Tiyan Shen
Culture and creativity: A case study from the West of Ireland - Patrick Collins, Frances Fahy
Exploring the underlying dimensions of elements affecting traffic congestion relief impact of transit - Md. Aftabuzzaman, Graham Currie, Majid Sarvi
Situating Fortaleza: Urban space and uneven development in northeastern Brazil - Jeff Garmany
Natural disaster risk in Asian megacities: A case for risk pooling? - Stefan Hochrainer, Reinhard Mechler
More than a master plan: Amman 2025 - Robert A. Beauregard, Andrea Marpillero-Colomina
Transit-oriented development in a high-density city: Identifying its association with transit ridership in Seoul, Korea - Hyungun Sung, Ju-Taek Oh
Safety and sustainability in a city in transition: The case of Vilnius, Lithuania - Vânia Ceccato, Nijole Lukyte
Neighborhood milieu in the cultural economy of city development: Berlin’s Helmholtzplatz and Soldiner in the German “Social City” program - Kadri Semm
The crisis of cultural identity in rehabilitating historic Beirut-downtown - Tarek Saad Ragab
Urumqi - Wen Dong, Xiaolei Zhang
  Andrew Kirby is Professor of Social Sciences at Arizona State University West and an Editor of Cities.  






February 2011


1 - 126

