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The creative power of cities: City, culture and society (Vol 2, No. 3)

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The creative power of cities: City, culture and society (Vol 2, No. 3)


creative city, ville créative, creativity, créativité, culture urbaine, art, développement urbain, renouvellement urbain, économie, Bandarin Francesco


Extract from the Editorial, 'The creative power of cities', by Francesco Bandarin:
It is expected that by the middle of the present century, 70 percent of the world's population will be urban. Beyond the demographic growth in sheer numbers, cities are becoming increasingly important partners in socio-economic and cultural development as well as front line agents in meeting the expectations of national development. However, the complex urbanization process, which has many consequences for our societies at the social, economic, environmental and cultural levels, is also bringing about vital global challenges of the present and the future.
It is in response to these local and global urban challenges that the concept and movement of so-called "creative cities" and "network of creative cities" were born. The global movement of creative city networks is in line with raising awareness of the role culture and creativity plays in urban development and urban renewal. It also acknowledges the increasing importance of cooperation at the local level between the public and private sectors and civil societies, which allows for decision-makers and communities to work together. Indeed, the UNESCO Creative Cities Network was launched in 2004 in order to address these concerns and to join forces that can apply resources to promote cultural diversity and generate creative solutions for the development of cities.
  Francesco Bandarin - The creative power of cities Andy C. Pratt - The cultural contradictions of the creative city Sharon Zukin and Laura Braslow - The life cycle of New York's creative districts: Reflections on the unanticipated consequences of unplanned cultural zones Won Bae Kim - The viability of cultural districts in Seoul Patrick Cohendet, David Grandadam and Laurent Simon - Rethinking urban creativity: Lessons from Barcelona and Montreal Luciana Lazzeretti, Francesco Capone and Tommaso Cinti - Open innovation in city of art: The case of laser technologies for conservation in Florence Andrew Kirby - The bibliometrics of urban creativity and CCS Charles Landry - The Creativity City Index   Francesco Bandarin is Assistant Director-General for Culture, UNESCO.  






September 2011



