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International journal of urban and regional research (Vol. 35, No. 6)

Dublin Core


International journal of urban and regional research (Vol. 35, No. 6)


, logement social, patrimoine urbain, territoire, gouvernance, forme urbaine, déplacements, économie, exclusion, créativité, creativity, paysage urbain, mondialisation


Abstract from the publisher:
A groundbreaking forum for intellectual debate, IJURR is at the forefront of urban and regional research. With a cutting edge approach to linking theoretical development and empirical research, and a consistent demand for quality, IJURR encompasses key material from an unparalleled range of critical, comparative and geographic perspectives. Embracing a multidisciplinary approach to the field, IJURR is essential reading for social scientists with a concern for the complex, changing roles and futures of cities and regions.
Dilek Özdemir - The role of the public sector in the provision of housing supply in Turkey, 1950-2009
Xiaobo Su - Heritage production and urban locational policy in Lijiang, China Régis Guillaume and David Doloreux - Production systems and innovation in 'satellite' regions: Lessons from a comparison between Mechanic Valley (France) and Beauce (Québec) Kathy Pain - 'New worlds' for 'old'? Twenty-first-century gateways and corridors: Reflections on a European spatial perspective Hubert Heinelt and Karsten Zimmermann - 'How can we explain diversity in metropolitan governance within a country?' Some reflections on recent developments in Germany Ali Modarres - Polycentricity, commuting pattern, urban form: The case of Southern California Pasquale de Muro, Salvatore Monni and Pasquale Tridico - Knowledge-based economy and social exclusion: Shadow and light in the Roman socio-economic model Gordon Waitt and Andrew Gorman-Murray - Journeys and returns: Home, life narratives and remapping sexuality in a regional city Nebahat Tokatli - Creative individuals, creative places: Marc Jacobs, New York and Paris Antonio Garcia Garcia and Buenaventura Delgado Bujalance - From city to metapolis: Making and unmaking landscapes in Andalusia M. R. Narayana - Globalization and urban economic growth: Evidence for Bangalore, India  


Multiple authors




November 2011



