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Security and surveillance at sport mega events: Urban Studies (Vol. 48, No. 15)

Dublin Core


Security and surveillance at sport mega events: Urban Studies (Vol. 48, No. 15)


sport, events, événements, sécurité, surveillance, gouvernance, Giulianotti Richard, Klauser Francisco


Abstract from the publisher:
A peer-reviewed jornal, Urban Studies provides an international forum of social and economic contributions to the fields of urban and regional planning. Since then, the journal has expanded to encompass the increasing range of disciplines and approaches that have been brought to bear on urban and regional problems.
Richard Giulianotti and Francisco Klauser - Introduction: Security and surveillance at sport mega events
  Part 1. Local, national and international contexts and driving-forces in mega event security Gary Armstrong, Dick Hobbs, and Iain Lindsay - Calling the shots: The pre-2012 London Olympic contest Philip Boyle and Kevin D. Haggerty - Civil cities and urban governance: Regulating disorder for the Vancouver Winter Olympics Francisco Klauser - The exemplification of 'fan zones': Mediating mechanism in the reproduction of best practices for security and branding at Euro 2008 Scarlett Cornelissen - Mega event securitisation in a Third World setting: Glocal processes and ramifications during the 2010 FIFA World Cup David Murakami Wood and Kiyoshi Abe - The aesthetics of control: Mega events and transformations in Japanese urban order   Part 2. Stadium security, sport transformation and the city Tracy Taylor and Kristine Toohey - Ensuring safety at Australian sport events precincts: Creating securitised, sanitised and stifling spaces? Kimberley S. Schimmel - From 'violence-complacent' to 'terrorist-ready': Post-9/11 framing of the US Super Bowl Richard Giulanotti - Sport mega events, urban football carnivals and securitised commodification: The case of the English Premier League   Part 3. Security technologies and event cities Jon Coaffee, Pete Fussey, and Cerwyn Moore - Laminated security for London 2012: Enhancing security infrastructures to defend mega sporting events Volker Eick - Lack of legacy? Shadows of surveillance after the 2006 FIFA World Cup in Germany Minas Samatas - Surveillance in Athens 2004 and Beijing 2008: A comparison of the Olympic surveillance modalities and legacies in two different Olympic host regimes  






November 2011


3157 - 3366

