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Representation, labour markets and immigrant workers. Urban studies (Vol. 49, No. 3)

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Representation, labour markets and immigrant workers. Urban studies (Vol. 49, No. 3)


transport, économie, travail, précarité, fragmentation urbaine, pauvreté, représentation, immigration, éthnicité, emploi


Extract from the Editorial by Nelarine Cornelius and Miguel Martinez Lucio:
Social exclusion and participation issues in relation to immigrant and Black and minority ethnic (BME) and migrant communities have been a major topic of debate in the area of employment relations, cultural studies and urban studies. There is a broad literature dealing with the organisational and social dynamics of exclusion and the economic outcomes of such processes. The fundamental focus of the diversity and equality debates is on the way established institutions increasingly aim to facilitate the roles of BME individuals within political spaces and aspects of the economy such as the labour market and the employing organisation, thus ensuring and regulating fairness. The main focus, for example, in public administration and management studies, has been on the use of remedial legislation and state strategies such as training programmes through public bodies and social actors. The concern with inclusion in social terms is an established academic intervention. Within the area of urban studies, much work has focused on the question of welfare services, the role of the local state and housing issues (for example, Baeten, 2000; Lawless, 2006).
Daniel G. Chatman, Nicholas K. Tulach, and Kyesongsu Kim - Evaluating the economic impacts of light rail by measuring home appreciation: A first look at New Jersey's River Line
Martin Lux and Petr Sunega - Labour mobility and housing: The impact of housing tenure and housing affordability on labour migration in the Czech Republic Jean-Louis Pan Ké Shon - Perceptions of insecurity in French poor neighbourhoods: Racial proxy or pure discriminiation hypotheses? Meg Holden - Urban policy engagement with social sustainability in metro Vancouver Jeroen Klink and Rosana Denaldi - Metropolitan fragmentation and neo-localism in the periphery: Revisiting the case of Curitiba Man Wang, Rachel Garshick Kleit, Jane Cover and Christopher S. Fowler - Spatial variations in US poverty: Beyond metropolitan and non-metropolitan   Special issue: Representation, labour markets and immigrant workers   Nelarine Cornelius and Miguel Martinez Lucio - Introduction: Representation, labour markets and immigrant and minority ethnic workers - networking, new forms of representation and politics in the multi-ethnic city Tara Fenwick - Negotiating networks of self-employed work: Strategies of minority ethnic contractors Jane Holgate, Anna Pollert, Janroj Keles and Leena Kumarappan - Union decline and voice among minority ethnic workers: Do community-based social networks help to fill the gap? Robert MacKenzie, Chris Forde and Zionvijus Ciupijus - Networks of support for new migrant communities: Institutional goals versus substantive goals? Robert Perrett, Miguel Martinez Lucio, Jo McBride and Steve Craig - Trade union learning streategies and migrant workers: Policies and practice in a new-liberal environment Miguel Martinez Lucio and Heather Connolly - Transformation and continuities in urban struggles: Urban politics, trade unions and migration in Spain Laure Blévis and Eric Pezet - CFTC/CFDT attitudes towards immigration in the Parisian region: Making immigrant workers' condition a cause  






February 2012



