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International journal of urban and regional research (Vol. 36, No. 2)

Dublin Core


International journal of urban and regional research (Vol. 36, No. 2)


décroissance, mondialisation, ville en déclin, ville post-industrielle, logement social, conflit urbain, précarité, citoyenneté, développement urbain, gouvernance


Abstract from the publisher:
A groundbreaking forum for intellectual debate, IJURR is at the forefront of urban and regional research. With a cutting edge approach to linking theoretical development and empirical research, and a consistent demand for quality, IJURR encompasses key material from an unparalleled range of critical, comparative and geographic perspectives. Embracing a multidisciplinary approach to the field, IJURR is essential reading for social scientists with a concern for the complex, changing roles and futures of cities and regions.
Cristina Martinez-Fernandez, Ivonne Audirac, Sylvie Fol and Emmanuèle Cunningham-Sabot - Shrinking cities: Urban challenges of globalization
Ivonne Audirac, Emmanuèle Cunningham-Sabot, Sylvie Fol and Sergio Torres Moraes - Declining suburbs in Europe and Latin America Cristina Martinez-Fernandez, Chung-Tong Wu, Laura K. Schatz, Nobuhisa Taira and José G. Vargas-Hernandez - The shrinking mining city: Urban dynamics and contested territory Thorsten Wiechmann and Karina M. Pallagst - Urban shrinkage in Germany and the USA: A comparison of transformation patterns and local strategies Liviu Chelcea - The 'housing question' and the state-socialist answer: City, class and state remaking in 1950s Bucharest Öslem Öz and Mine Eder - Rendering Istanbul's periodic bazaars invisible: Reflections on urban transformation and contested space Abdoumaliq Simone and Vyjayanthi Rao - Securing the majority: Living through uncertainty in Jakarta Ryan Centner - Microcitizenships: Fractious forms of urban belonging after Argentine neoliberalism David Gibbs and Rob Krueger - Fractures in meta-narratives of development: An interpretive institutionalist account of land use development in the Boston city-region Michele Acuto - Ain't about politics? The wicked power-geometry of Sydney's greening governance Book reviews  


Multiple authors




March 2012



