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Urban studies (Vol. 49, No. 5)

Dublin Core


Urban studies (Vol. 49, No. 5)


youth, jeunes, Jeux olympiques, Olympic Games, immobilier, immigration, emploi, économie, développement urbain, transport, démographie, morphologie urbaine


Abstract from the publisher:
Urban Studies deals with every kind of urban and regional problem that is susceptible to social science or other relevant analysis. These range from such problems as urban housing, employment, race, politics and crime, to problems of regional investment and transport. Although most articles published deal with problems located in the advanced industrial societies of Europe and the Americas, important articles dealing with these problems in Asia, the Third World and in Eastern Europe are also published regularly.
Brendan Gleeson - Critical commentary. The urban age: Paradox and prospect
Jonny Pickering, Keith Kintrea and Jon Bannister - Invisible walls and invisible youth: Territoriality among young people in British cities Constantine Kontokosta - The price of victory: The impact of the Olympic Games on residential real estate markets Cathy Yang Liu and Gary Painter - Immigrant settlement and employment surburbanisation in the US: Is there a spatial mismatch? Cathy Yang Lui and Ric Kolenda - Counting and understanding the contingent workforce: Using Georgia as an example Sarah Turner and Laura Schoenberger - Street vendor livelihoods and everyday politics in Hanoi, Vietnam: The seeds of a diverse economy? Catherine Crawford and Sarah Bell - Analysing the relationship between urban livelihoods and water infrastructure in three settlements in Cusco, Peru Mike Raco and Emma Street - Resilience planning, economic change and the politics of post-recession development in London and Hong Kong Moshe Givoni - Re-assessing the results of the London congestion charging scheme Patrick Rérat - The new demographic growth of cities: The case of reurbanisation in Switzerland Martin Burger and Evert Meijers - Form follows function? Linking morphological and functional polycentricity Book reviews    


Multiple authors




April 2012



