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Journal of urban history (Vol. 38, No. 2)

Dublin Core


Journal of urban history (Vol. 38, No. 2)


histoire urbaine, school, école, éducation, logement, ségrégation urbaine, culture urbaine, identié, eau, développement urbain, sport


Abstract from the publisher:
The editors of Journal of Urban History are receptive to varied methodologies and are concerned about the history of cities and urban societies in all periods of human history and in all geographical areas of the world. The editors seek material that is analytical or interpretive rather than purely descriptive, but special attention will be given to articles offering important new insights or interpretations; utilizing new research techniques or methodologies; comparing urban societies over space and/or time; evaluating the urban historiography of varied areas of the world; singling out the unexplored but promising dimensions of the urban past for future researchers.
Special section: Schools and housing in metropolitan history. Guest editor: Matthew D. Lassiter
  Matthew D. Lassiter - Schools and housing in metropolitan history: An introduction Jack Dougherty - Shopping for schools: How public education and private housing shaped suburban Connecticut Karen Benjamin - Suburbanizing Jim Crow: The impact of school policy on residential segregation in Raleigh Ansley T. Erickson - Building inequality: The spatial organization of schooling in Nashville, Tennessee, after Brown   Articles: Janine Gosseye - Leisure politics: The construction of social infrastructure and Flemish cultural identity in Belgium, 1950s to 1970s David Soll - City, region, and in between: New York City's water supply and the insights of regional history Robert W. Lewis - From the "phoenix of legends" to the "ultimate monument" of the times: Stadia, spectators, and urban development in postwar Paris Jennifer S. Light - Building virtual cities, 1895-1945   Review essays: Carola Hein - Spaces of identity in East European cities Amy Mills - Urban space and social transformation in the Middle East Williams Sites - Is this black music? Sounding out race and the city Susanne Rau - Street life in Early Modern Europe: Urban form, representation, discourse, and perception  






March 2012



