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City, culture and society (Vol. 2, No. 4)

Dublin Core


City, culture and society (Vol. 2, No. 4)


, déchets, politique culturelle, transport, culture urbaine, mobilité, société urbaine


Abstract from the publisher:
The 21st century has been dubbed the century of cities - sustainable cities, compact cities, post-modern cities, mega-cities, and more. CCS focuses on urban governance in the 21st century, under the banner of cultural creativity and social inclusion. Its primary goal is to promote pioneering research on cities and to foster the sort of urban administration that has the vision and authority to reinvent cities adapted to the challenges of the 21st century. The journal aims to stimulate a new interdisciplinary paradigm that embraces multiple perspectives and applies this paradigm to the urban imperative that defines the 21st century.
Atiq Uz Zaman and Steffen Lehmann - Urban growth and waste management optimization towards 'zero waste city'
Luca Zan, Sara Bonini Baraldi and Federica Onofri - The rhetoric of cultural policies and the issue of 'getting things done': Bologna cultural capital 10 years after Peter Cebon and Danny Samson - Using real time information for transport effectiveness in cities Anna Sanina - The marshrutka as a socio-cultural phenomenon of a Russian megacity Peter A. Makachia - Evolution of urban housing strategies and dweller-initiated transformations in Nairobi Glen Norcliffe - Neoliberal mobility and its discontents: Working tricycles in China's cities Joel Akins and Bussakorn Binson - Transmission of traditional Lanna music in Chiang Mai: Continuity and change in a contemporary urban environment  


Multiple authors




December 2011



